Found the demonic entity that spies on you

Wow, did you wrap a coworker’s cubicle in foil or something?!?

I think boops and kisses are in order

A young woman in her ho phase refuses to take over the family business

Yeah, sometimes our bodies want to fight what’s best for them

I’d also suggest a body pillow, like the one used during pregnancy. They help keep you positioned. It’s how I learned to sleep on my side mostly

It’s only tradwife if it comes steeped in privilege and shame, otherwise it’s just sparkling adulting

It takes a village to bankroll a Baird

One is a short term goal, while the other is a long term investment plan in suffering

It takes a village to bankroll a Baird

A walnut has more wrinkles than Lori’s brain.

Birth control just got more effective. Women have always tried to limit their family sizes.

Lori, Google silphium, ya fruit basket

Any use of “mine”

Coffee as the heroine’s lifeblood

A gifted dress left on her bed with a note “wear this” AND IT FITS

She’s got a breastfed baby at home and only has 20 mins and a bathroom stall to pump

It takes a village to bankroll a Baird

I’d say it’s literally both. She picked this. She gave away her power to a shitty man. Now she has to dance on the narrow beam she chose.

She’s slapping on a smile and saying it’s the best place to be, and those of us on the dance floor are going to burn in hell, all while she shoots glances at her husband to see if she’s won his approval yet.

I don’t criticize her choices. She can be a stay-at-home mom. Hell, I am one too. I could also say I’m better than Morgan because I lost my virginity to my husband. But that’s bullshit, because I made a choice for me. It wasn’t based on religion. I just wanted to wait for a decent guy I really liked. I’m not telling my girls they have to do the same. They’re not me.

I have given birth without an epidural, because that was right for me. Lots of kids I love would be dead without a C-section.

It shouldn’t be a badge of honor to make stupid choices because you believe that gets you brownie points with Jesus. That’s what I’m criticizing. That’s why I snark.

These fundies literally campaign against other people’s choices, because they believes their way is the only righteous way.

It’s now a cat subreddit for pictures of kittens in pockets

It takes a village to bankroll a Baird

It’s not a critique of her choices. It’s a critique of the life she’s been pigeonholed into.

It takes a village to bankroll a Baird

She has so little going on in her life. Her religion (and her husband) prevents her from doing anything noteworthy. She can’t rise higher than Paul. He wouldn’t allow it. So this is what she has to care about by default.