same thing people in other countries do - go home, take shower depending on your job, make dinner, then relax on couch/family time.

mmm good haha. some of the best fried chicken ive had came from gas stations and other unsuspecting places.

well yea but you DO get culture changes within some states though and especially regions of the us... like half the damn movie My Cousin Vinnie is about this....

usually a day or two - just incase something comes up and i have to cancel i dont want to take a slot away from someone else. hell sometimes its hours before lol

in an extremely anti gun/ anti 2A city? amazed its even posted online lol

lol its why i have a shitty vehicle for the day to day. hit me i dare you kinda mentality lol.

right? im very familiar with every curve on every road leading to my house and ignore those suggested curve speed signs because ive traveled them thousands of times. - if im 1000 miles away on vacation i dont have a damn clue how fast you can logically take a curve i cant see around due to trees so i go the yellow limit because i assume the engineers or whoever decided thats a safe speed picked said speed for a reason and know 99% likely i will make it out the other side just fine.

because if you paid attention in drivers ed those mph signs are often for hazardous conditions like wet or fog. its also to let you know how sharp it is if its a blind turn.

this is my vote lol. designed by AMC in the what 1960s and very little changes over the decades. Stupid stout engine that will just keep going. ford 300 I6 was also another one of those half million mile engines.

this might be the only true thing in here lol i cant say ive ever seen hot boiled peanuts for sale anywhere in my thousands of miles of backroad adventuring in the midwest...

sweet corn out of the back of a pickup? oh yea - best damn corn ever. same with watermelons and cantaloupe outa the back of a guys truck.

also very common to see tomatoes and eggs for sale. occasionally also peppers and strawberries. Michigan has cherries.

riiiight cuz theres no racism in new york or chicago or seattle or anywhere else....

no shit lol. you can tell whos never been outside a major city in this thread lol.

no shit lol. rural IL is like that - except the gravel roads are smoother than the paved roads lol.

thats all over the midwest outside of cities as well...

i mean if you exclude chain restaurants theres a substantial cultural difference between chicago and southern IL lol...

lol theres people who never left thier own damn city or a "big trip" for them is a 3 hour drive.

Meh drive on fix it when your back.

No. Ive driven well over a year or two with em broken. I mean unless the loose psrts could get stuck on stuff

Arc is the only one in my area, they have digital cards on your phone you barcode scan

It will absolutely get beat up on the street. Your choice, not like its gonna be worth a whole hell of alot later on.

In my experience is vacuum bleeders suck air past the bleeder screw threads. 

 The ol 2 person pump n crack method works the best.