A lot of my female cousins and other family members ended up accidentally pregnant when they were still pretty young (age 20-23ish, not in their teens at least) and not ready to be a responsible parent yet.

My sister and her husband decided to try for kids very early because her husband's father died very young of something that could possibly have been passed down and he was afraid of not being around very long to watch his kids grow up. Even though they were financially stable and in a much better position for kids than the other women in my family were when they wound up pregnant, my sister still didn't want to be lumped in with them and have people make assumptions, so they made the effort to send out cute little announcements that they were going to start trying for a baby.

I told my sister how hilarious it was that they basically just announced to their families that they were going to start having a lot of unprotected sex, lol.

Recently found a crow that needed to go to a rehab center as well. Called every animal resource near me that I could find online and everyone said they don't take crows. No idea why.

Finally, one rehab center I called said that they didn't take them, but he gave me the number of a lady that specifically coordinates rehab situations for crows. She basically helps people find a center or in-home rehabber near them that will take the crow.

I ended up having to drive over 2.5hrs away to get the poor guy to a rehab center that would take him. Not everyone would have had the capability to do this. I'm sure OP did his best.

Of I'm being honest, I have absolutely had to pay that fee myself on two occasions.

On one of them, my husband woke up super sick at like 3am and I was so preoccupied with taking care of him, and so tired from having been woken up so early, that the appointment at noon completely slipped my mind.

On the other one, I had a family emergency and had to cancel as I was walking out the door to head to their office.

Both times I apologized and paid the fee without complaint. They have a card on file for me, so I told them to go ahead and charge it right then rather than wait for my next visit. I absolutely understand the multiple reasons behind charging that fee, and support their decision to do so.

Also, due to this policy, I've never had to wait more than 5-10min for my kitties' appointments because they don't let pet parents showing up late throw off their schedule. So the policy benefits me as well.

One of my friends was in an ATV accident a while back and has pretty gnarly scarring along his forearm as a result. Having stuff touching it makes it uncomfortable, like it sends tiny zinging/shock sensations up his arm if it's touched in the wrong spot.

When we had him as a groomsman in our wedding, we wanted everyone in the wedding party to be dressed the same so he offered to leave his sleeves rolled down for at least the ceremony and photos. We told him he was fucking ridiculous to think we'd ask him to do that and, instead, just had all the other guys roll their sleeves up to match where his needed to be for him to be comfortable.

Helen is an ass.

Oh yeah, after giving birth I'm sure all the extra nutrients from the organ meat was exactly what her body was craving!

My vet charges a fee if you no-show, show up more than 15min late or cancel within 24hrs of your appt without a good reason. It's basically just half the usual exam cost. They charge it at your next visit before they'll see you. Also, if you show up more than 15min late, you forfeit your appointment.

I've seen a lot of people arguing with the front desk staff about having to pay it because they didn't show up for their last visit. Which is nonsense because they always inform me of the policy every time I book an appointment, so it's not like they weren't warned. Maybe they think they're just bluffing...?

Anything made by Hartz.

I have no idea why that company is still allowed to exist.

I was feeding my cats the Tiki mousse packets as their evening "dinner" wet food for a while and most of them liked most of the flavors most of the time (there's 5 of them so that's pretty good, lol)

Then I saw the After Dark one and thought they'd really like it because it's basically the same flavors but with organ meat added.

All of them HATED it. Not a single one of them would touch any of the flavors. I was so surprised!

I've found that vitamin D, collagen and Omega (Flax/fish oil) supplements helped mine a lot!

Like you, mine is worse when my skin gets dry and the omega supplements help a lot to prevent that.

Also, try Curel's hydrotherapy lotion. You put it on while you're still wet from the bath or shower. That was a life-saver for me because my hives are friction based, so rubbing in lotion normally was a bad time.

If they want the extra space that badly but don't want to spend the money, then they can also take a flight at a less convenient time of day for most people. When I was flying for work a lot, I would always book the 6am flight. It meant leaving my house at 3:30am but I always got a row to myself and it wasn't even reserved seating!

But no, they'd rather make you uncomfortable for 8 whole hours (cuz you just KNOW they'd want you to do the same for the flight back!) instead of either spending the extra money or inconveniencing themselves.

Not only the same preference she has, but one she's already maintaining! He said she already keeps things shaved, so he literally just said "I like the way you maintain things" but worded differently.

I came to this comments section just to ask how they see through all that, lol.

Have you tried a cat water fountain? The sound of trickling water sometimes reminds cats that would otherwise forget that it's there.

Also, make sure their water is in a different area of the room than their food. A lot of cats instinctively don't trust water near their food due to contamination concerns.

If Churu is all your one cat will eat, look into Churu Nourish/Vet formula. It's a higher-cal version for situation like this.

This is interesting and good to know. Churu has always been our go-to "if they won't eat anything else, at least they'll eat this" product. If that ever fails, though, I'll keep Fussie Cat in mind.

Churu. Skip the wet food and just squeeze a Churu tube into her bowl. Trust me!

My husband and I spent years trying to sort out the wet food situation for our cats. There are 5 of them, so trying to find something everybody liked consistently was a nightmare! Sometimes we'd think we'd found something only for one or two of them to not like it anymore a few days later.

For a while we had 3 different wet food products in the house. Cats 1 and 2 would only eat food A consistently, cat 3 would only eat food B consistantly, and cat 4 would only eat food B every couple of nights so needed to have it alternated every couple of nights with food C so she didn't get bored. Cat 5 is just a weirdo... He's only ever been willing to eat his dry food and maple flavored hairball gel. He's got issues. But at least he's consistent, lol.

Like you, we couldn't just have a "this is what you're getting, eat it or don't" policy because we use their wet food "dinner" to give meds and supplements.

Finally we realized that EVERYONE (except weirdo 5) comes running when we have Churu, which we'd been using as an occasional treat. Now cats 1-4 each get a Churu tube squeezed into a bowl for them with their meds and supplements mixed in. Works like a charm! Been doing that almost a year now with great, consistent results! We even switched one of them to Churu's hairball/digestive version to help with hairballs and constipation, no change in her reliably eating it, only good results. They have a Skin & Coat version as well.

ETA: Churu is a relatively low-cal option to get meds and whatnot into them, but if you ever get in a situation where your cat doesn't want to eat much in general and you need to get actual calories into them, Churu also makes Churu Nourish which is a high-cal, high-nutrient version for just this situation!

Nah, Starfield's on GamePass... Expect that many frogs everywhere. 🤣

Very true. By my late 20s I already had arthritis in my ankle and knee from a bad ankle break in my very early 20s. It sucks.

Amputation is definitely the way to go. We just had my little boy's tail amputated after spending over a year trying everything we could to stop him from chewing on it and hurting himself.

After treating for every possible skin condition, then for anxiety because sometimes that's the cause, my vet did an x-ray and found that he had broken his tail at some point a while back. She said sometimes a break can leave behind nerve damage that just causes pain that doesn't ever go away. We had his tail amputated as the last option and I feel so bad for my poor little boy that we didn't find that solution sooner. He's so much happier now! He doesn't chew on his stub at all, he plays again and he's just overall so much better!

Also, as others are saying, cats adapt very well to things like this. My other boy is missing both eyes due to an infection he had when he was found as a stray. He was already blind when we adopted him. If you never got a look at his face and didn't know he was blind, you'd be hard pressed to figure it out from the way he moves around. He runs all over the place, up and down our cat towers, plays with our other cats (sometimes whether they want to or not) and follows us around tracking our movements perfectly, and we are not noisy walkers. We just moved house a while back and it was maybe 2wks before he had the new place totally memorized.

Amputation, especially at this age, isn't just theeasiest or preferred option. It's a far better option than anything else they can do. It will prevent future pain down the road and he will absolutely adapt quickly and not miss it!

One of my older cats has started needing a bit of pumpkin, carrot or sweet potato puree mixed into her wet food each night to keep her from getting constipated.

There's already a good amount of fiber for most cats in the dry food I get them, but that's not always enough.

Out of my 5, she's the only one that needs it, and only in the last few years. So while not all cats need additional fiber, some definitely do.

If this is the case, you may want to rethink the "if there are too many cars behind me" part. If there's even one car behind me, I pull off at the next turnout. The people who are angry might be the first one or two that got stuck behind you and have been there while you passed a turnout or two waiting for enough people to pile up.

Why are you OK inconveniencing anyone, even just one person, because of how you drive? How many people is it OK to inconvenience before it becomes "too many"?

Reset my thermostat last night including doing a reset on all the settings. Still no luck.

We're not looking to do the work ourselves. The apartment complex we live in has a maintenance crew that handles all this stuff but they're all stumped and don't know how to fix the problem. We're just looking for advice that we can pass along to them so hopefully they can fix it.

We asked if we can hire an outside vendor to help, even pay for one ourselves, but management won't allow it and say that the fan "technically works" even though it doesn't have the same functionality it did before.

Nest Thermostat/HVAC system doesn't connect to outside anymore

I live in an apartment with a Nest thermostat with central heating and AC.

We run the AC a bit during the days to keep the house from getting too hot but at night we turned on the Fan setting which would bring in cool air from outside and cool the apartment down quickly without using extra power for the AC compressor.

When I turned on the fan, it would show me an Inside temp and an Outside temp and give me an estimated time to cool down the apartment if the outside was cooler.

Last week the fan/blower motor started making a lot of noise and the Maintenance guys came and replaced the blower motor. This obviously involved unplugging some things and whatnot but something went wrong when they rewired things.

Now, our thermostat doesn't connect to the outside anymore. It doesn't give an Inside temp and the fan only circulates the inside air, it doesn't pull from outside at all. The fan just has a timer now for how long I want it to run and doesn't give any cooling estimates or other info like it used to.

Our maintenance guy just came to check it out but he can't find anything wrong with the wiring. He says everything is hooked up the way it should be and can't figure out why it's not connecting to the outside anymore.

Other than not connecting the vent or thermostat to outside, everything works fine. The AC still works and will cool down the apartment, but we don't want to run the AC at night when there's cool air outside that can be pumped in with less electricity use.

Does anyone know if there's a setting or anything else that might be causing this issue? They did turn off the breaker to the thermostat/hvac system to do the repair so maybe some setting got switched when that happened?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thermostat/HVAC doesn't connect to outside anymoreThermostat

I live in an apartment with a Nest thermostat with central heating and AC.

We run the AC a bit during the days to keep the house from getting too hot but at night we turned on the Fan setting which would bring in cool air from outside and cool the apartment down quickly without using extra power for the AC compressor.

When I turned on the fan, it would show me an Inside temp and an Outside temp and give me an estimated time to cool down the apartment if the outside was cooler.

Last week the fan/blower motor started making a lot of noise and the Maintenance guys came and replaced the blower motor. This obviously involved unplugging some things and whatnot but something went wrong when they rewired things.

Now, our thermostat doesn't connect to the outside anymore. It doesn't give an Inside temp and the fan only circulates the inside air, it doesn't pull from outside at all. The fan just has a timer now for how long I want it to run and doesn't give any cooling estimates or other info like it used to.

Our maintenance guy just came to check it out but he can't find anything wrong with the wiring. He says everything is hooked up the way it should be and can't figure out why it's not connecting to the outside anymore.

Other than not connecting the vent or thermostat to outside, everything works fine. The AC still works and will cool down the apartment, but we don't want to run the AC at night when there's cool air outside that can be pumped in with less electricity use.

Does anyone know if there's a setting or anything else that might be causing this issue? They did turn off the breaker to the thermostat/hvac system to do the repair so maybe some setting got switched when that happened?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
