How about the noise level? Normal pedals are out of Metal, not only because of stability, but to shield the circuit towards electrical fields. I got my PSU for all my pedals underneath the board. The noise level was pretty high until I shielded the layer between PSU and Pedals.

Nice pedal though

Another question about lines of my first layers

My Z offset is at -0.62. Bed adhesion is quite nice. When I get closer by 0.02, I start to see the ripples you get from beeing to close to the bed. When I increase the distance by 0.02, the filament (PLA) doesn't stick to the bed. So far, so good.
But the first layer of the finished print still shows single lines. Increasing the flow makes the ripples visible again, looking like the nozzle is to close to the bed. Increasing the heat doesn't change a lot.
How to solve that? I got nice first layers back in the days. But not anymore.

For context, I got a Ender3 V2 Neo, direct drive, Printing speed is 25 mm/s on the first two layers (going down to 20 mm/s doesn't change anything)


But it does look under extruded as well, as the other comment said. The speed should work. Give it 5° more and add 5% flow rate. If the surface looks better, you should calibrate your e steps.

I just got a mail about the shipping schedule. Still hyped.

wanna build a pedal for fun and practice

Hey mates, I'm a noob. So don't roast me for the following question. I can solder, I#Ve got the tools and some parts. Just starting with DIY pedals

I've got a shitload of random pieces and I'd like to build a pedal just to play around and to get into the subject. It's not supposed to be the best pedal in my inventory. I just want to make something working as a start. The question is what can I solder together without buying too much additional stuff. My leftovers from other projects are:
- DPDT switches
- resistors and capacitors of many different values
- some schottky diods
-simple stereo amp circuits with poty
-some single potys
- a bunch of tl072cp OpAmps

I also got some jacks, tools, cases and stuff. What I need is inspiration and maybe an easy circuit to put together without buying too many additional parts. Is there anybody who can suggest an easy circuit?

I'd like to use the OpAmps. But I guess the easiest way is to send the guitar signal into the amp PCB and push it through two diodes which are soldered together in opposite directions. Right? Just to create a simple distorion.


Yeah, he's up for a real cruise 😂

That's why he's missing the chimney. Easier to get in there

Mate, the printer is so fast, it made a brake mark

Check for lose belts and screws.

I'll have a try on that. I printed two parts simultaneously last time. One of those is the part in the picture. Right now I'm printing just one at a time. I thought maybe it spends too much time on the bed. I'll keep you updated on that

The fan starts when the second layer is done

Z-offset is very good. The side facing the print bed looks perfect. Printing a large grid also works fine. Warping happens with other filaments as well