It's legit in that it's issued by the government of India, but it's issued because a corrupt person is secretly paid a fee to issue it. You can just pay to get a license, no test no nothing. This is very common in India. According to the transport minister of India Nitin Gadkari (in 2019) 30% of licenses in India are fake.

They’re not fake. They’re real, issued by India, by a corrupt person who does it for money. I apologize when I said “fake” it makes it sound forged.

They’re real, they’re just not actually earned through India’s licensing program. My friend may be lying, but I don’t think she was.

Edit: I just texted her she said it costs 1, 00, 000 lakh rupees, which she said is about $1800, and that the practice is rampant among Indian students and temporary workers. I don’t think she’s lying, and her experience is anecdotal, but I believe she’s telling the truth


The daughter is right, and the son is missing his parents. He wants them together because he wants them back.

He’ll get over it. Give him space and time and hopefully sister can help him work through his feelings?

A third option is she made it up, but I don’t believe she did. Goto Brampton and have a look at the driving. Or google “Brampton Indian driver”.

You can literally just exchange, which means new residents of Canada aren’t verified by Canadian driving standards. India isn’t on that list, but there are ways around that through other provinces or countries. It’s very easy. And regardless of if they do exchange they can legally drive for 60 days with an out of country license.

For India specifically:

Once when I was a tree planter my summer girlfriend and I bought an electric toothbrush and used the back of the head (not the bristles). It was great

Fake everything with no regard for the society around them.

OG Indian Canadians must be so embarrassed. Their hard earned and well deserved reputations have been tarnished so quickly by young morons with no plan

Poor me? I’m not sure what you’re referring to.

No the majority of drivers are not Indian you foolish person, the majority of NEW drivers are, and the RECENT additions to the road are a factor in the RECENT changes to driving quality that OP is noticing.

This is not a difficult concept. Millions of people came from a different country all at once where the standards are different, and it shows.

That's a fun analogy. A specific community is targeted because millions of them have flooded in and caused a noticeable change in the cultural fabric. Obviously people are going to notice that difference and talk about it.

I don't care what happens in India either. I said that Indians coming to Canada should adhere to the superior standard, and they should.

Specific communities in Ontario are flooded with new young Indian "students", and they are noticeably horrible on the roads. Please try to understand that those of us who have been in these communities for 20+ years notice the change.

In terms of following the law, getting genuine credentials, and general standard of work yes I'd say Canada is vastly superior to India.

No I’m talking about the kids who come here and do whatever it takes to start their life regardless of of how it effects those are them.

Which is understandable to get out of the worlds butthole that is India, but they need to be held to our superior standard if they’re going to be here

Indian students have fake drivers licenses from India that they can convert into a real drivers license here.

This was explained to me by an Indian friend out here in BC who left Brampton. India is very corrupt and you can just buy a real license and then Canada will accept that.

Sleeper account

He admitted in the video it’s expiring soon, therefore temporary

We don’t need these people they offer nothing worthwhile. We don’t need 30 year old Tim Hortons workers who refuse to integrate into our society

I mean if they made an attempt to embrace Canadian values it would be different, but they don’t.

Sleeper account

It’s more about droughts. As things shift the monsoons are projected to end and it could be as dry as the Sahara by 2075.

Populations are going to shift all over the world it’s going to be a madhouse

Sleeper account

This is just the beginning. India is going to get its teeth kicked in by global warming before 2100.

1.5 billion people will need to relocate. It’s going to be a rough century

Sleeper account

Fines. This whole thing is about making money so fine them every day they stay after being asked to leave

Still the over arching conversation is North America, and it’s not a big deal for me to bring up the largest forest in North America in that greater context.

Are you ok?

Canadas boreal first touches the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans. It’s bigger than the Amazon 

Also sheer size. Canada’s boreal forest is bigger than the Amazon. That one interconnected forest borders the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic Ocean 


Amy is a child and reacting like one. It is not overreacting to expect people to take responsibility for the consequences of their actions

Be sure to continue to set polite but firm boundaries with Amy, and everyone else for that matter. It’s uncomfortable, but you need to shed this awkward feeling that your boundaries are bothering others. If you let her convince you you were overreacting to the stain, you’d never really let it go, and then when the friendship inevitably faded away you’d reflect on it and think, “I wish I didn’t back down”

You don’t ever have to be rude about it, but it’s never a problem to firmly hold your boundaries. Get used to it and people who don’t respect you will sort themselves out of your life where they belong

Even if you want to say all body types are beautiful, not all body types are equally resistant to stroke, heart disease, and various forms of cancer

Talking about accepting all body aesthetics, as though it’s really forward thinking, is kind of like shallowness camouflaged as wokeness, because when considering the effects of lifestyle on the body, aesthetics is the most superficial thing you could consider

Like, “smoking turns my teeth brown, but that’s YOUR problem, IM BEAUTIFUL”, I think you’re missing the point.

Sleeper account

Yea and this will sound incredibly callous but I don’t understand why they think they matter. 

Canada wants them to leave, and they’re protesting that but what do they have to bargain with? “Let us stay or else we won’t do our jobs”? 

Like wtf? There are literally millions more Indian students to replace you with. That’s the callous part. If you’re doing retail, fast food etc we don’t need you, and you’re instantaneously replaceable. Welcome to Canada it’s like that for all of us 

Well if the cow is raised and butchered well and things are astonishingly fresh you can do it. I mean the Germans eat raw ground pork with raw onions on bread. It’s a German comfort food called “Mett”

All meat itself is safe to eat completely raw, it’s the bacteria that can grow from butchering processes that make it unsafe, and it’s just more efficient to butcher poorly and require people to cook it to a certain temperature.

Well it needs acid in some form so what other than a pickle?