mafia's time rift is underrated tbh, one of my favorite songs in the game

I can't ever explore the forest without being paranoid because I'm so terrified of these things lmao

Maybe turn off any music players if you have them? Mine will constantly stop what they're doing to start bouncing if there's music playing

There's an "import dog" option in the storage menu where I'm pretty sure you can copy paste it



the coloring and detail in this is amazing!! :)

you both have the same expression lol

This video autoplayed and the "hey hows it going" scared the hell out of me i thought someone was my room for a second

Aren't these the same people who made that really fucked up turkey video?? The one with a massive block of cheese on the inside and crushed up hot cheetos on the outside

The same exact thing has been happening to me for the past few days. History, playlists, my channel, and most of my subscriptions are just gone from the sidebar. If I log into one of my other youtube accounts they don't have that problem. It makes no sense to me

The yarn for the hat you need is in alpine skylines, it's actually possible to win the level with just the sprint hat but it's much more difficult.

nice, I like how you kind of combined how his 3d model and the 2d art of him looks with how you drew the hair/spikey things.