Most likely, it’ll only be a problem if the appliances all start up at the same time. Running amps are generally low compared to their rated/start up amperage. But theoretically, it’s too much rated amps for one circuit

I mean… Kevin Bacon and his shaved pecs is definitely going to hell.

Dude, in 10 years you’ll be writing your own ticket for sure. You’ll be as desirable as a backend developer.

And the length of it. 4-5 months of gray, cold, dark rain

There are 15 major states originally part of the Commonwealth. Togo isn’t one. But it is one of the republics that have been admitted since the late 40s. I was referring to those major Commonwealth realms that were all previously part of the British empire. Texas wasn’t one. It never saw British occupancy. It was Spanish before it was American. This is an extremely convoluted way of saying Texas has less business being referred to as British, than Australia. Or Togo.

Well you can either call 1813 or communicate with your GP on Min Laege by message, call, video chat, etc. Is that what you mean?

man 40 - 44

Tell your uncle he’s a bitch for having only worked since he was 19. A real man would have started working by 14. I got my first job when I was 12, however I am still, nor was I then, a real man.

So that would mean that Scandinavian countries are all semi-European because they don’t use the Euro? That’s the qualifier…? despite Denmark being one of the first countries to join the EU? And Cyprus uses the Euro, which is one of the most “semi-European” countries, both geographically and politically. Just seems like a something made up to win an argument.

Pakistan actually has the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes (China - type 1), which I assume is what you were referring to, since it is more a product of lifestyle/diet.

Seems like a pretty reasonable question for three reason: 1. many European countries don’t use cash much anymore 2. Not all European or EU countries use Euros 3. US dollars are a reliable and stable form of currency worldwide should you need emergency cash exchanged for local currency.

It’s a compromise for sure. But to call it car centric is hyperbole. There’s a difference between needing to accommodate a lot of car traffic on the main N/S artery across the harbor and pro-car propaganda.

It’s all a work in progress, and it’s all focused on getting cars out of the city center and improving bike commuting. They can’t reduce lanes on HC until they build the ring road/tunnel thingy across Svanemøllen-Linetteholm- Reffen.

I could counter your examples with other pro-bike examples, like the new bike lanes on Strandboulevarden or all the new underground parking meant to take the burden off street parking. Fact is, you’re never going to remove cars from the urban landscape entirely, but you can reduce them, divert them, hide them, and reduce their emissions.

Man I never realized it was so tight. First time I drove there, I had only heard some vague advice about staying in the right lane. So when I saw that sign I just let off the throttle and held my breath.

There wasn’t much on the internet then as far as advice. I just had the McNally Truck atlas with its clearance index for reference. But I can’t tell you how many times I’d be in Chi-town or NYC and see a low clearance sign and just let off the throttle and hold my breath. Never hit a bridge though.

My son did that too a few months back saying he was now scared of the dark. I was like “uhh, no you’re not 🤨” ~lights out~

Looks pretty good. If she presoaked the deck with a garden hose before pressure washing, all of the crud should come off even the stubborn stuff

Knowing what I know about martial arts, if I was a woman, I’d be doing Judo. Heck, as a guy, I think Judo is the best defense. Considering how most conflicts go down, being able to manipulate your aggressor and distance yourself or put them down is what’s important. Being able to avoid getting hit is important too, but I don’t really think striking is what someone who feels threatened really wants to have to do. Judo teaches you some ground defense too, which is great for when you have been pinned by an aggressor. Of course Bjj is tops for ground defense as well

Dude, Copenhagen is not going to turn into a mega-car-highway-city or whatever. But the fact remains that cars are a part of people’s lives. They aren’t going to just ban them outright and turn the city into some kind of car less utopia. Copenhagen has always (for decades, at least) been pedestrian/bicycle centric. It was a concerted effort to prioritize bike commuters way back in the 60s. It’s not going to revert to car-highway-Armageddon overnight. There are currently plans in effect to phase out fossil fuel vehicles in the city by like 2025 or 2030. So they are making progress. But services and commercial trade among other valid uses are going to need road access. So will commuters living in the city. Fear not - Copenhagen is waaay ahead of the threat of cars taking over the city like they already do in many American cities

I didn’t mean to suggest that only alcohol can reveal someone’s true persona. Only that it is great at doing it by reducing one’s inhibitions. Perhaps other drugs do too. I don’t know of weed having that similar effect. But perhaps you’re right about other substances ability to reveal true, hidden parts of one’s persona. But I don’t think it is strictly a product of drugs. People can showcase cruder or more rudimentary behavior outside of social oversight.

Perhaps we could agree that the baseline is where one’s sober self is constructed of social cues and behaviors. By adding or removing social oversight, either through environmental or substance manipulation, the onion layers of one’s persona can be peeled away to reveal the crude self that I am referring to.

To put it in the most honest terms, I believe that everyone harbors some degree of racism. Most don’t act on it. Many probably don’t even realize they are. But everyone has heuristic decision processes that are to some degree based on subjectively curated racial prejudices. It could never be measured. I couldn’t imagine a study that would produce any definitive results. I don’t even think people are evil for doing it. But it’s inevitably true, in my opinion.

I don’t think comparing it to weed is relatable. Weed doesn’t lower inhibitions in the same way as alcohol.

But I do agree that while your brain does run real-time action-consequence scenarios that prevent us from vocalizing racism among other things. However, we all have more fundamental world views that we have curated for ourselves that may or may not contain racial stereotypes. Those views might contrast with social norms, so we hide them until we are drunk. A purely rational person wouldn’t curate racist world views based on subjective experiences that need to be suppressed, drunk or not. But few if any of us are rational.

So where I disagree with you is on what we believe is one’s true persona. I think it includes the beliefs we have curated, even if we suppress them, since they very likely dictate our behavior.

It’s not an excuse, it’s an explanation. Most people are racist but are socially pressured into hiding it. Alcohol displaces those social inhibitions and allows people to be their true racist selves .

There was a guy who got blasted not too long ago for being videoed on here harassing an immigrant in a metro. He was drunk. And he apologized for doing it after due to the social shame and fallout.

Don’t kid yourself. Most people are just good at hiding their racism because it’s not socially acceptable to be racist.

Most marketing schemes are a scam. They are mass produced, unspecialized, standardized services. They most likely don’t know your specific niche anywhere near as well as you. But It works because most business owners are not competent in marketing and not internet/tech savvy. They are also therefore unproven by their customers. So no one knows what they’re actually getting, how much worse or better it could be, and how or why to change their marketing provider/strategy.

There are definitely good marketing services out there. But they’re not cold calling you, quoting you standard rates and promising you more than they’re charging. Sure, that might be better for most business owners than what they are otherwise capable of themselves, but it’s a far cry from being optimal.

Re: 2 - don’t e-bikes usually come with brake switches that cut power to the motor when the brakes are applied, in order to minimize the effect you speak of? The kits I’ve installed always include brake levers with switches.

Re: 6 - could you elaborate on what is the shit part of some of those brands? I’ve converted a few of them to electric with good success. Are there any flaws to look out for?

6.5 - what kind of maintenance outside of general bike maintenance do you refer to? Is it with the electric equipment itself? I’ve been dreaming of buying some of their cargo line, but they are so damn expensive. What’s the down side?