Losing intimacy due to flare ups... I just want to be lovednsfwIntimacy

I want to preface this by saying I adore my husband. He's not perfect, but he makes me feel loved and valued everyday, especially when it's hard for me to love myself.

However... I am rapidly approaching a sexless relationship, and it is absolutely destroying my mental health. I have a number of congenital and acquired disabilities (tarsal carpal coalition syndrome, scoliosis, sciatica, bone spurs, spinal stenosis, arthritis... And that's just from the belly button-down).

Unfortunately, this means I am never not in pain to some degree or another. This has gradually caused our sex life to deteriorate over the course of our relationship. After I sprained my back ~18 months ago, our sex life has gone down to virtually zero. We're in our early 30s, and I'm not ready to stop having sex. But my body is failing me on an absurd level.

We've had a lot of discussions pertaining to this, but it all boils down to preservation. Even if I'm begging he will turn down my advances 85% of the time, and we'll have maybe a bit of a kiss and a cuddle. It kills me that he's always able to point out a good reason why we shouldn't ("It's hard to get turned on when you cry out in pain", "I'm afraid of hurting you", "You literally can't turn your back/neck right now and I'm not going to make it worse", etc.). I know he's right, but I hate it.

I know it comes from a place of caring. I understand he's denying me because he doesn't want to hurt me/exacerbate an obvious flare. He's inadvertently done so before and has felt horrible about it. Kisses and cuddles are nice, but it makes me feel so worthless when he turns me down. I feel unattractive, unlovable, inadequate. I'm a failure as a wife.

To be blunt, I miss regular sex. I want to be fxcked. But I don't know what can be done to better facilitate intimacy. Does anyone else deal with these issues or have any helpful input? If you've read this far, thanks for listening. This is... Kind of a lot.

Patching a crack in the facade.nsfw

Probable throwaway. Tonight, I wallow in existential dread before having to choke it back down and paint on a happy face. I'm supposed to be excited to start my new job tomorrow, I should be buckling down on my current freelance project tonight, but all I feel is dread. All I can focus on are my failures, both past and present. My brain is filled with static. (Sorry man, please don't hate me too much?)

It's funny... I take great pride in my freelance work, but when I sit down and start typing for my creative projects, like the username states, I delete more than I add. I agonize over every word, every meaning. Each scene must be beautifully crafted. If it's anything less than perfection, I've failed. Due to this, I'm on my fourth freelance project in under two years while my projects are in figurative Starter Town.

I feel it's prudent to mention that I engaged in self-harm from middle school all the way through a misguided attempt at higher education. I've survived seven suicide attempts. Though I have a "better handle" on my mental health issues (despite picking up a few more along the way), the feelings never truly go away. Most nights I struggle to fall asleep, instead obsessing over hypothetical scenarios that would give me permission to indulge in self-destructive behaviors or finally end it.

Tonight the suicidal ideation is very real. I can't focus on my creative projects, I'm constantly falling behind with the housework, and I'm not living up to the promises I've made to others. Despite trying my damnedest, it's still not enough -- it's never enough -- and I feel like I'm failing everyone, in every capacity. Yet I need to do more, be more. Take on the weight of the world.

I don't know where I'm going with this. I've been curating this message over a three-hour period because I need to make a point. I feel a need to be understood. (I've got nothing; what am I doing?)

I want to wake up in a reality where my dad's not dying. I want to wake up and surprise my husband with our completed trilogy, complete with digital, paperback, and audiobook deals. I want to wake up without tweaking my spine just by existing. I want to wake up and be able to think clearly, and act with conviction because my head doesn't feel like it's full of bees anymore.

Had anyone informed me that I would rapidly be approaching a sexless marriage at age 33 because my husband is scared of exacerbating my disabilities, I would have begged my younger self to cut deeper. Jump. Not flush the bottle. Find a proper load-bearing beam. Why did I have to be terrified of firearms? Anything but this. Please. Everything hurts.

I can't ask for help. Hell, I couldn't tell you what help looks like. All I know is that I don't want this. I never did. But if there's any fixing to be done, I know I'm alone in this. I have to do it myself. The only problem is, I can't find the right set of tools, and the instructions may as well be written in Swahili. I can't read Swahili.

Four hours now. If you've come this far, thanks, and my apologies. I'm not sure what the point of all this was, and I'm sorry for wasting your time. Soon I will sleep, and tonight I will don my suit and swallow the bile at the back of my throat. And continue.


One dead from brain cancer. One on the sex offender registry - became a teacher and had a relationship with a minor. One is a recovering addict in the food service industry.

Just the ones I know about.

Reads very much like "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" to me. I approve.

Clean for over a decade.

Everything is... comically worse. Every time I feel like I'm mentally hitting a new low the next most feasible clusterfuck says, "hold my beer".

The only reason I'm breathing and not bleeding is because I'm good at keeping promises. Doesn't stop the intrusive thoughts from lulling me to sleep at night though.

The Fox and the Hound

Watched it every night for at least a month straight in high school.

Curse at them. My first memory is of my mom screaming at me, "You damn (my name)!"

Absolutely refused to swear in the presence of my step kid until their mother told me they do swear, and kiddo is allowed to swear once per day now that they understand the power of language.

Kiddo is at that stage where they will ask permission to use their "one swear". As a bonus, I will give them feedback on how appropriate/inappropriate the swear was.

I have been actively looking and applying for other jobs for over six months now. I have never felt safe at this job; took the first job offer I received after getting laid off. Potential homelessness is a strong motivator.

Was the getaway driver in an underage alcohol theft ring. This happened in Catholic school and our activities were so extensive that we openly discussed our schemes in the hallways in code.

Holy water = vodka The Pope = police Blood of the Lamb = wine Keeping the faith = getting drunk

And so on.

Thanks, but I can't. I don't get leave and I can't afford to take time. I'd lose my job. 😕

I'm too burned out to function as a person outside of work anymore. Yes, I'll text my partner that I got home safe from work... but then I'll sit in the car and doom scroll or dissociate, sometimes up to an hour. I will also do this when I have to run errands. Just giant blocks of time I can't account for, pissed away.

I don't want to do this. I don't want to live like this. I don't know how to fix it.

No way Kevin's still alive.

(Meaning, Kevin is probably immortal.)

... I need to know more about your life. Someone get this guy an AMA!

Six months of 'repairs', only for the car to become undrivable. (OH)

Location: Ohio

We purchased a used vehicle ~18 months ago in what we thought was good condition. However, within 10 months it was apparent the car was having transmission issues. We spoke to the dealer but, since we did not purchase their in-house protection plan they would not service the vehicle. Instead they referred us to a list of mechanics they work with. We selected a highly rated mechanic approx. 10 miles from home and got a quote ($3700 transmission replacement).

After a lengthy stay in the shop (waiting on parts) we got the car back, paid, and took it home. It was immediately apparent the issues we brought it in for hadn't been fixed. We brought the vehicle back and they found something wrong with it related to the original repair. Thus began the 6 month cycle we've been stuck in.

I have honestly lost count of how many times we've brought the vehicle back for unresolved issues and new symptoms. The longest we've had the car back since this began was ~6 weeks, and we only had the vehicle that long because they were busy and insisted the car was safe to drive in the meantime. Wrong.

One day I pressed the gas pedal to accelerate at a green light and the gas didn't engage. The car creeped through the intersection at 3mph despite my attempt to floor it. I had to go through two more intersections the same way, nearly causing an accident in the process. We had the vehicle towed to the shop ($150).

This time they kept the vehicle for 6 weeks, despite giving a few false flags that the vehicle would be fixed 2 weeks sooner. I could not tell you what repairs have been made since the original transmission replacement as we gave not been given any paperwork. We received the vehicle back on Friday, and it didn't even make it into the driveway before the check engine light came on. The issue has persisted and there is yet another symptom (RPMs redlining when accelerating).

We are, in a word, done. What options do we have to get the car fixed? We will not go back to this mechanic again. Can we get a refund? Will we have to sue? We can't borrow cars forever and we still owe $12k in payments to the dealer.

"Are you making polite small talk or do you really want to know?"

Honestly this question has led to more meaningful connections and I don't regret being more direct about it.

Scroll up ~6 replies.

Start with 5 plain standard mini marshmallows. If it tastes like an addiction you'll ruin your life over, add about 15 more.

Plain white. I'm not a heathen.

And I live in the Midwest, so...

Start with five. Mix it in. Take a good, noodly slurp.

-insert WTF expression here-

Make roommate try a bite. Stare wordlessly at eat other.

Chuck in another handful and suck it all down while roommate makes themselves a bowl.

Mini marshmallows stirred into a good quality ramen. Adds a subtle sweetness, silky broth, and depth of flavor.

The intrusive thoughts won that day.

I believe I've mentioned seven attempts in other posts. There was, however, an eighth would-be attempt.

Dad had died earlier that morning and I went to his house to gather his funeral outfit. This task turned out to be a bit more of a pain in the ass than anticipated because I just couldn't find the right cufflinks. When I didn't find them in any of his usual hiding spots I started looking through his desk. I did not find the cufflinks, but I did find his handgun.

I took the gun out of the drawer and turned it over in my hands, not really thinking anything in particular. In fact, I don't think I was thinking at all. It was heavy; I subconsciously knew it was loaded. The gun turned toward me and my finger was on the trigger.

After a while I just... kind of sighed? The idea of pulling the trigger suddenly felt exhausting and I was expending so much energy just holding it. I put the gun back in the drawer, found the cufflinks, and left. That was a year ago, this coming Monday.

June 13 is a Black Day

I remember reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time in school and being introduced to the concept of 'Black Days'. For anyone not familiar with the book, the quality of the day was determined by the number and color of cars he saw on the way to school.

Three red cars in a row made a Good Day. Five made a Super Good Day. Four yellow cars in a row, however, made a Black Day. On Black Days, Christopher would not eat lunch; he would sit and read in a corner.

At the time I wrote this off as a quirk of his unnamed behavioral disorder. Years later I've realized that while our units of measure differ, June 13 is a Black Day.

Three years ago, Dad received a terminal diagnosis, with a prognosis of two years.

Two years ago, I opened the front door during a heavy storm to a sudden flash of light and an earsplitting crack as the two trees in my front yard were struck by the same bolt of lightning.

One year ago, Dad went to the hospital for the last time. He was transferred to hospice the next morning and passed away the day before Father's Day.

Now I wake up on June 13 with a sense of dread. I'm an adult and I'm supposed to act like it so I dress in the most comfortable clothes I have that won't violate company dress code, skip lunch (have to sign an extension for a vehicle rental), keep my eyes down, and do only what I have to.

It's the closest I can get to shutting my eyes on the bus to avoid another Black Day anyway. Now I understand, but I wish to hell I didn't.

So you own the smallest breed of rooster. Good for you?

Anyone can Google image search a Serama.