:Big_Danny: Hudson My Glorious King

Its not the strongest but i like to think gong hitting the bell(if i can recall? Or maybe it was Taesoo) and it leaving a massive dent on it is pretty cool. Vasco feats are hella good though

W mans she so in the wrong for that. I bet she’d be as hurt if you did the same with another girl, she has 0 consideration for you my boy

Gengetsu, this might be bias but the way that i see it is, Gengetsu and Mu killed eachother, and Mu is basically Ohnoki, and Ohnoki was seen as a threat by Madara during the war, but Mu is a better Ohnoki since he was younger i assume, so just by that, i can say Kisame isn’t worrying Madara one bit. If gengetsu died fighting Mu and it was a draw, replace Kisame with Gengetsu in that fight, and Mu would win, im just sayin🤷🏾‍♂️ Gengetsu has a better arsenal imo

Bloody stream, literally, followed by the part 4 intros

Why is everyone here putting feats from other characters like if giorno wont just reset them back to zero😭 Part 5 wins with Giorno

I think OP likes haku im not quite sure though

:Big_Danny: Hudson My Glorious King

Easily Taesoo

Date a live Openings 1-3, DAL was the only anime with back to back fire openings before the 4th season came out and ruined the streak with that trash opening

Harvest, gold experience, sex pistols(you’ll never get caught lacking), hey ya, crazy diamond

:Big_Danny: Hudson My Glorious King

Ms kim no diff fr

:Big_Danny: Hudson My Glorious King

Factual but i just wish PTJ handled jinyoungs character better. In 1A we were all hype af thinking we were gonna get something and then boom he goes into PTSD mode after leaving us on a cliffhanger “you have a second body too?,” just for him to never be heard of again, thats why it makes me feel like PTJ is struggling with writing the SB cause jinyoung stay getting PTSD and it just ruins the moment imo

:Big_Danny: Hudson My Glorious King

PTJ has 0 idea about how to write a good backstory for the second body thats why he always has jinyoung have like PTSD in the moments where we think hes gonna talk about the SB just to give himself(PTJ) more time to even think of an SB backstory and how it all links to people like charles, crystal, jinyoung, the protagonist

Jokes on you if you think i eat the school food. Michelle obama really ruined it for all of us and now we get pizza thats hard as rock and frozen milk and tasteless mash potatoes with an apple on the side now

Denmark or iceland, i like the thought of being in a country surrounded by a bunch of water and plus their climate seems so chill and like i just wanna be in a chill climate place in an apartment drawing webtoons on the balcony as the breeze hits me, truly a vibe i want to reach

Now that you mention it i’ve never met an “Irish” person in my 17 years of living

Yeah bro its called Texas(thats all i see over here)