I heard about the sprawl of LA but didn’t comprehend it until I flew over it and then drove through it. You could drive 60 miles and still be surrounded by city. It felt like what a Hive city would be like from war hammer 40k.

That’s my thing too. Who’s been in the drivers seat for the past two years because it wasn’t Biden. Does the president even run the country anymore? Even if Trump wins would he be running the country?

I’m In the same boat and this Biden presidency has confirmed what I thought for a while which is; The president isn’t driving the boat. How can anyone think the president actually runs the country after seeing what Biden is like. The only thing he probably does is read off a teleprompter and sign whatever is handed to him. Doesn’t really matter in the long run if it’s Trump or Biden in the seat. I think a lot of people are gonna start asking who’s really in the drivers seat.

Yea but the ones on the fence are starting to lean away from him. I mean Trump could just show re-runs of the debate and that’s all the material he needs.

My theory is that Michelle Obama will be Bidens replacement.

My theory is that Michelle Obama will be his replacement.

There is no way they are losing 1000 soldiers a day. I follow this conflict closely and if the casualties were that bad we’d see waaaay more footage of it

Where can you find these plans because I’m sure they’d be all over if they were real. Just how exactly is he going to give himself total control im genuinely curious. If these plans existed they would be used as ammo by the left surely?

From what I’ve seen, the guys who have the most success just literally don’t give a fuck when talking to women. Women can smell desperation from miles away and nothing is worse to them than that. I have two friends that would come up with random shit and make the other guy go say it to women. Nothing bad or mean just totally random or silly. One of my favorites was a line from the show Letterkenny: “It's a hard life, picking stones and pulling teats, but sure as god's got sandals, it beats fighting dudes with treasure trails.”

He said that and they were like wtf and then he started talking to them and got their numbers. Neither of them were super attractive or tall like 5’9 or 5’10.

I hope this video is shown to whoever makes big decisions on both sides. Every soldier should be carrying a semi-auto shotgun. If this video isn’t proof of their anti-drone effectiveness then I don’t know what is. Now imagine a squad all with shotguns shooting at a drone, there’s no way it’d get through. And it’s absolutely the cheapest solution and both Russia and Ukraine should be able to produce them in mass.

Not long without intervention. 99% of all African Armies are complete dogshit. You could round up a few thousand Southern U.S Rednecks with guns and topple most of these governments. Even nations like Nigeria with considerable wealth have dogshit militaries that incredibly corrupt

It’s also terrifying going on Instagram and seeing how real some of these ai generated images are. All these thirst trap ai women being posted and all the old creepy dudes in the comments having no idea it’s not even a real image. Soon enough there will be ai generated only fans where guys are paying money to chat with and get pictures of ai generated women, not even knowing it’s fake. People are using chat gpt for casual conversations and kids are using it for papers in school it’s going to be in everything soon.

Light ships (DD’s and light cruisers) will always shoot each other before engaging heavy ships. If your light ships are better than theirs, they’ll be able to engage the enemy heavy ships with torps which will sink many. It’s good to have heavy ships but I usually don’t make anything better than the 1936 BB.

Getting cliffed onto a ward spot in the middle of a team fight just makes you want to uninstall sometimes. It’s like the dota version of getting dunked on

You are correct that it is a large front line and there are tons of munitions flying even when no assaults are happening but I’m sure we’d see more footage or evidence if casualties were in the hundreds per day. During battles like bakhmut absolutely and probably even now in the Kharkiv front.

There is no way there is that many a month. The fighting isn’t large scale enough for that. If we saw whole divisions slamming into each other with ground being taken then maybe. But this conflict is company sized elements fighting each other with small scale assaults for limited ground. It’s just not big enough to cause casualties like that for either side. I’d say 10-15k casualties of all types is more believable.

Does anyone remember the time when people said that if you were making 6 figs you’ve “made it”. I remember.

You also have to take into account the culture and camaraderie in an infantry unit. Normally, it’s a bunch of men who signed up to shoot bad guys in the face and in combat there is a lot of stress. These guys relieve some of it with a very dark sense of humor and they are all very tight-knit which you have to be in a combat unit. With women, you introduce a whole new dynamic which throws all that off. You add in a female to an infantry platoon and all this testosterone creates subconscious tension and competition. I’ve seen infantry platoon implode because a female gets added and she ends up sleeping with half the platoon and creates a shit load of drama. No matter how much she thinks she’s “one of the guys” she never will be and it’s just not worth the trouble. Maybe they should create an all female infantry unit and see how that works first.

In theory if women can meet the standard for infantry they should be able to do it. In practice I’ve seen women in the infantry destroy entire units because they slept with half the platoon. Units that were previously very tight knit and trusted each other ended up filled with jealously and endless drama. It just isn’t worth it.

As someone in the military, maybe 2-3% of the female population could probably be counted on as functional soldiers. I’d agree with you that about 1/10 active female soldiers are actually worth anything in a fight. Mentally they usually can’t hack it and neither can they physically. They just are more prone to injury and can’t carry weight like men can. Biologically they just aren’t set up for it like men are. Also, I’ve seen infantry units that have women in them just implode on themselves because the one or two female soldiers decide to sleep with half the platoon and the entire unit just goes into the shitter. It’s just not worth it and women shouldn’t be in direct combat roles.

They are also ridiculously top heavy and just massive vehicles. Along with the new MATVs that have tiny vision slits as windows, I’d rather just have new production up-armored HMMVWs.

I also think they do this to some of their own men. They’ll beat the shit out of their own guys so it’s not far-fetched to think they’ll rough up POWs.

Both sides knew what the Germans did when they invaded. There are tons of interviews from German soldiers who said they were scared to surrender because of how badly they treated Russians.