Basically, yes. They wait around for 35 days for a cheaper price, if they don’t get it they fill with synthetic shares out derived from creation of fake XRT shares, thus creating an XRT fail to deliver and starting the process over again. They juggle these balls until the price hopefully crashes so they can fill the original order for cheap

None step 2 makes it not manipulation.

RK/RC are not responsible for short ladder attacks presenting an opportunity for a share buyback that is arguably a fiduciary duty just as much as a dilution is on a run.

Vsco underwear stock popped hard today on no news.

It’s not in XRT but I’ve seen DDslinking it to GME, not sure of the connection other than vague “dying mall brick and mortar”

VSOS underwear stock, part of the xrt basket I believe, doing well today

There’s been a lot of chatter of hard to find tweets.

Usually just buggy app

Sort of. The funds are being professionally managed. The firms reputation is on the line. The outcome, positive or negative, of the investment, has their name on it

Have an honest conversation that you don’t want to but if they’re truly unwilling to help you invest in GME you’ll consider taking your funds elsewhere

I think this is X not XXX. Unless I missed something?

No disrespect just saying. Every share helps though.

Where did the shares come from? Are these newly issued shares? Like a tiny little dilution? Or were the transferred to him from another entity which previously owned them

When a stock is the target of cellar boxing, a huge pile of cash is a massive foil to that plot

On July 4th, 1776 the Continental Congress voted to approve the language of Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence, formally establishing America as a political entity separate and distinct from Great Britain.

The war dragged on for several more years until the crushing British defeat at Yorktown in 1781, shortly after which Britain itself recognized America’s claim.

It’s amazing. The play really was GME all along!

Nah, you have to do weird exclamation point stuff

!remindme 5y


Posts like this are why I come here


It’s the number of shares Ryan cohen initially bought into GME with in 2020 which really solidified the turnaround that led to the sneeze.

DFV’s latest GME yolo update showed him with the exact same position, 9,001,000 shares. A clear nod to Ryan cohen.

Just a few weeks later he files as owning 9,001,000 shares of Chewy. Another nod to RCEO.

It’s also very close to the exact number of KOSS shares outstanding.