I’d eat the chutney with cheese and crackers. You could do cream cheese, brie, a flavourful hard cheese…

Yeah it’s weird they should have mentioned it if they noticed it (and sounds like they must have), just as a basic fyi that you’ll need to get it fixed. But it sounds like from their POV they weren’t getting rid of an unwanted floor model so much as doing you a favour because you need something ‘last minute’ and they can’t show that dress to other brides until they restock. And it sounds like you were grateful and love your dress. So, it’s just a button, and you’ll be happier in the long run having a good memory of this experience. This isn’t to negate your reaction you’re just a human having feelings but hopefully the good will outweigh the bad in time.

Similarly: Orlando, getting in shape doesn’t mean your design followers want to see your thirst traps

I always thought his definition or experience of ‘dysmorphia’ seemed a little off. He was basically talking about his self esteem hinging on his actual size so in that context it’s not a surprise to me he’s now flaunting a lower fat body. To me ‘dysmorphia’ is about seeing your body different than it actually is. I think he saw his body accurately and just didn’t like it and now he does. Dysmorphia cured!

Try this with maple syrup!  And even some grated cheddar if using as a pancake or crepe topping.

Psst… welches grape juice gummies and cheesies also work (a desperate late night concoction from the office snack stand…)

lol put it that way and one comes to understand why she can’t function in a badge swiping job either ;)

Said by someone who put the actual recipe behind a paywall. The CEO was protecting her business as well as his. She’s given up the GFG brand anyway - selling it along with some recipes (that she could have perhaps hired a consultant to help her develop for ‘Arkansas’ tastes) for corporate cash would have been a good move for her and she knows it. She very much blew her shot, is probably having some major regrets, and it would be more interesting if she was honest about it.

I freeze any leftover pancakes and waffles and they become toaster ready snacks/quick weekday breakfast for the following week. But I don’t prepare more than one recipe’s worth. To me they aren’t ideal batch cooking items because of the time involved over the stove or iron cooking them in small batches. Baked oatmeal, muffins/loaf, breakfast cookies or bars, various egg recipes already out there make a lot more sense for cooking in bulk.

Look up robins and courtship feeding - having watched this occur in my backyard, Mama is NOT shy about her needs!

See as someone with a general interest in recipes and their origins beyond whether it’s something I want to make or not, I had never heard of tomato or pickle gravy and have actually learned something from posters here. I can even see making them under the right circumstances because I enjoy using up random fridge ingredients. If Shauna had referenced the ‘inspiration’ for her gravy at all I would have had some context and ability to research further, and some part of my brain would have mildly adjusted my opinion of her because she introduced me to something new. Instead I was just confused and mildly put off.

I honestly think it’s partly a rationalization developed by people who want to tan. Like the people who now believe sunscreen is toxic were generally not the people wearing it in the first place.


Because those details are performative things she adds to make herself sound like a foodie food writer who cares about the finished product due to her discernment (none of which is real so it comes out super awkward and weird). And agreed, I am anti-germaphobe and regularly eat cooked leftovers well beyond the 2-3 days I usually see recommended, but would never leave a raw meat preparation that long. And I see no benefit when you can just cook it all up front and wash one dirty pan. Again, she came up with a concept (bulk cooking for the week) that she doesn’t actually value herself and is now shoehorning this recipe to fit. Which it does not.

I do some seasonal soups for sure like corn chowder every August. Also love getting cold soups at restaurants but have yet to sell my family on the concept 

Ha, my kids say the issue with Colin we are all having is the sideburns! I don’t even notice them but find his face oddly inexpressive and lacking some je ne sais quoi to be truly magnetic. But Pen makes up for it and I really enjoyed our binge watch complete with tea party.

Honestly if I think* that if I hired a decorator right up front to do everything from scratch, any idea that it’s special personal space that I need to use first would be out the window because decorating like that already feels super impersonal to me (like moving into a hotel room room or vacation rental). Also it would save the owner paying for their accommodations so maybe it’s some deal they worked out. *this is pure speculation as I will never have the money to do this kind of thing

Just write the official fanfic instead of Reddit posts already! 

I realize these are all just examples and people understand context but almost every example actually sucks imho - I am white/western but wear long clothing in summer to protect myself from the sun as do many people from many cultures around the world