Omg, I can't believe this exists 💀

General advice requested

No, you do not pass. Sorry. Roughly 16-18. Sometimes less form fitting clothes do the opposite of what you'd like.

32 | he/him | T 17/11/22

This is an interesting idea. I might explore how this could heal trauma with my therapist. Thank ya!

32 | he/him | T 17/11/22

Ugh I feel this. My mother actually was worried when my chest started to grow so it came with a crap ton of doctors appointments to confirm, I indeed had breasts growing 😭

There is actually a ton of this in earlier seasons of the US version of Shameless! It's such a good series because of this and I'm currently watching it a second time!

This has been what was holding me back for a very long time. Finally scheduled the consult and now I'm going through the fear cycles again

Just go watch the Minecraft YouTubers channel, Ryan Mitchell. He throws his trekking pole over a wall at one point...

I want to do Rainier in the next year or so! Any advice or tips?

Electrician! I have a couple buddies who became journeymen before COVID and now make a ton.

I also thought about carpentry or working on houses! If I had as much experience in my field today I could've started my own company.

There are several certifications available in SQL, Python, R, Power Bi, and Tableau. And each of those can have several other relevant tools associated as well. Such as snowflake, azure, any AWS program, and data lakes. I'm touching the surface though, and depending on where you go you could be utilizing Looker, Qlikview, or other tools. Startups get especially tricky, you can end up needing to know how to use S3 or other automation tools. Most of these tools offer their own certificates if you pass a short knowledge test though.

Microsoft offers a ton of certifications that will definitely get your resume eyeballed for entry level but the exams are not cheap nor are they easy. I do highly recommend AWS certifications, and I'm currently looking at their machine learning one for myself. Most certifications require you to pass an exam.

AWS, Microsoft, Google, all offer analytics certifications but you'll need to pass an administered exam. It all costs money.

I have worked for Microsoft and several video game companies. Some will even pay for you to take these exams, but you have to get there first.

I have my master's concentrated in analytics and several certifications in visualization tools!

I love this field and how it's always evolving, but that means needing to take exams and recertifying every so odd years. It can get costly.

Yes. Especially in tech currently. Even manager level roles are being flooded by applicants. I just posted a comment above not to get into the analytics field. It's too costly for barrier to entry, either needing a degree or multiple certifications and the job maker is oversaturated with applicants

Can confirm, brother does this and makes a ton of money. Just have to be good at cold calling.


I work in tech/analytics and I HIGHLY DO NOT recommend trying to get into this absolutely oversaturated field. It's next to impossible if you don't fork over money for a degree or cert either.

If I could get into the trades without having to entirely restart my career I would. It's where the money is at since there was a huge push for millennials and Gen z to go to college.

Ngl I thought this code was a joke....lmao it is totally real, and my poor 2002 dodge neon used to throw it if I remember correctly.

Thank ya!

I was always interested in thru hiking the PCT. I have done a couple overnight peak bagging trips in the PNW that I could recommend if you're interested in going out there for some beginner ish remote hikes. I think I was going to hike PCT section j but turned around due to gear issues.

Vietnam and France sound cool! Do you have an all trails account? Would love to connect on there!

My next climbs are going to be Mt Baker, the intro to alpine mountaineering school. Mt Rainier, Denali, then Ojos del Salados, and finally Dhaulagiri I. Just gotta save the money to afford the guides, gear and Sherpas lol

I went to Everest base camp late last year and have been planning some summits. But the via ferrata have always looked insane to me! So crazy yet so interesting!

I just had the realization I pick up a new hobby every summer. If I would just stick to one...

Amici Ristorante. Very disappointed

This right here!

Absolutely DO NOT TELL ANYONE. Don't even tell your potential next employer. Ya never know

Gotcha. I can do that! Cotopaxi was willing to fix it for free, minus shipping there which is why I was initially going to wash it and send it in!