But besides that part and crappy shippers receivers and dispatchers and the whole parking shortage I love this job, my office has the best view in the world n I’ve been to so many cool ass places I woulda otherwise never gone to, I mean hell I delivered a load TO THE CHEESE CAVES IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!!!! I swear those tunnels stretched for miles it was insane I hope I can go back one day, crazy tight tho lol. Also the no rent, crazy low COL, and decent pay made it reallll appealing because I’m trying to buy a house on 40-80 acres in cash n just work some chill ass job til I die, or become a wildlife ranger but I hopefully won’t be driving truck after I turn 30

Oh it’s hell and we get shit from safety if we can’t get back off from em fast enough but god yeah a lot of people are on disability for PTSD because they weren’t able to avoid someone acting stupid and killed em (there was a lady that got breakchecked while she was grossing 78K pounds going down a mountain, they took her truck back to the shop n put it in the back lot n all the trainers bring their students to it n tell em that sometimes you really can’t avoid it and you just have to say a prayer that it doesn’t happen to you) hell there was a family a little bit back that was for some fucking reason having a picnic on a runaway truck ramp, there was a dude whose breaks failed going down a mountain and so he aimed for the runaway ramp (like you’re fucking supposed to so that you don’t kill other people and hopefully don’t die) not seeing that there were people on it until he got too close n ended up killing the whole family. Think he even got arrested which is even more messed up. There’s a lot of stories like this, I wish people weren’t so stupid.

It’s so damn stupid idk who is buying their AK’s for these prices.

Nah but Fr don’t they do some seriously fucked up shit out there to the dipshits that think they’re gettin a free vacation n being paid to just talk with some dude whose rich enough to buy the whole country of madagascar

Well today I learned that Arsenal also price gouges on knives, but I guess wait, don’t feed into the price gougers and drop shippers, maybe they’ll die out n find a new scam

Where’s his vape dude wtf????

I’d go look it up, I think u might be pleasantly suprised!

God I love sheetz just wish they had showers. Also fuck that circle K outside commerce GA that was the coldest shower I’ve taken since I graduated high school

The ATF might want to have a word about the cores in your bullets tho so go hide your dog!!!!!

You can get em imported from Japan for pretty cheap IF you’re ok with right hand drive

Think it watched too many Mario kart videos but god I love watching those stupid bastards eat asphalt

Silica gel packets help but unless you wanna coat it in cosmoline just sit down every once in a while n just oil it up. Also if it’s gunna be stored for a long time store it with the barrel pointed down so the oil won’t impregnate your stock n make it weak n crack (if it’s made of wood)

Some shit that makes the truck in final destination look completely up to code and safe to be on the highway. The paper mill is the only industry in our town that pays decently n basically in one way or another is responsible for every small business there so cops look the other way to janky log trucks because if the trucks stop the whole town implodes. Also I’m in the sticks so DOT doesn’t really come around, over half of the log truckers I’ve talked to don’t have insurance n a quarter don’t have a CDL.

We should bring back live leaks so people can watch people doing dumbass shit being killed in horrific ways so that they learn not to do dumbass shit

This right here is a ranch gun, see a lot of dead hogs and coyotes in its future. AK’s n SKS’s will always be gods chosen ranch gun

Atlantic has em for like $100 I think

PSA was good when they were $500 guns, along with WASR’s but those days are gone and $200 for a dramatically better gun is completely worth it

Zastava, Jack, or a maadi you can sometimes find em close in price to jacks just don’t buy a Chinese part kit built on a maadi receiver they’re complete junk. Fuck PSA, and fuck the dude trying to pass off his PSA spiker as a norinco


It looks like copper but yeahhh go clean your gun but it’s fine don’t loose sleep over it, also what did you store it in/how did you store it? Rifle cases have foam in em that holds water n causes your guns to rust if it sits too long. Oil your guns after you clean em if you ain’t gunna mess with em for a bit