Do it asap. Cops will come to you. Tell them you are afraid to leave your safe place and if you can, ask for a female officer to be present . They will document and may take you to station for official pics. I’m so so sorry this is happening. 💙

Go to Schulich then do your MBA w combined LLM (I think you can start in your 4th year of undergrad) become an IB and by the time you’re 30 you won’t need to worry about money. Don’t worry about your parents’ finances. They will figure it out. You haven’t lost a roof over your head in 18 years right?

I’m sure there are similar. Amazon sells ancestral too. Look on your country version and search for them.

Very serious carnivores who also lift heavy will take a lot of them. I would follow the instructions and change your dose as you feel like it. Not going to harm you. My trainer would take about a half bottle a day.

Simple egg drop soup or plain broths. Drink hot tea, cold tea and water. If you have electrolyte packets like LMNT, they will make you feel better. If you can get into a kitchen make an Italian wedding soup with beef broth and tiny meatball. You need sustenance to get better even if you have to cheat to get some nutrients in you. Salt hot water gargle asap for throat relief.

It used to be called Ketch Joanne and my name is Joanne and I have lots of pictures in front of the old sign. Lots of great memories in half Moon Bay for me. I think ownership changed but not sure about the quality of the food, but it was wonderful.

Did you work for Dr. B? He was an associate of mine and my ex husband’s.

I just read a theory about this today. People can experience Seasonal Depression in both hot and cold climates. Can confirm/grew up in Toronto and live in Miami and somedays I just want a gloomy “stay in doors” week. Too much pressure to be out when is soooooo beautiful outside, say the people. Lol

My friends and I had a coworker with death breath and we could actually smell him in a large boardroom during meetings from across the room. We started to contemplate whether or not it could impact client relations. I did some research and the most common answer was if you do this, prepare for the relationship to change permanently (for the worse). No one is prepared to be told they smell, have bad breath, are fat, ugly, lack personality etc. It’s a personal assault. We found an anon text app and used it and laid out the issues. He had no idea who it came from. We listed all the reasons that could be causing this; stomach ulcer, acid reflux, tonsil stones etc. we never once said anything about his hygiene. This is super important. Perhaps this is a road you take. It worked- whatever he did, worked and it was a huge relief to all. If he suspected us, he never said a word.

Anon text: “dear friend, you are such a good friend WE just need to tell you that sometimes your bodily odor is quite strong. WE know you don’t have bad hygiene so perhaps you should check with a medical doctor about this. We would want to know too!” The WE is so the person can’t pinpoint one person.

Good luck, it’s a very precarious situation but please don’t be the one to say anything directly.

I take mine in the morning before coffee or any medication and it’s always 110/70. Went to doctor late afternoon and she did one reading only (after I had coffee and one medication) and it was 140/80 and that’s what she put in my chart. I’m like nooooo, please don’t put that reading on my PERMANENT medical record. She said it’s fine, it’s not too high. Ugh.

It’s for sure an “OMG” bc who could ever say anything else when seeing this baby!

Dr. Jean Jacques Edderai. I still drive to NMB for 15 years to see him.

Same I don’t drink, absolutely no drugs - if this is how I have to get by sometimes, no shame. I’m happy it exists. 💙

Same. Use as needed which isn’t frequent. Standby bottle of 1mg’s.