If you look at the data from before Reform existed, it’s clear the tide had turned from Tory to Labour. Following the campaign since then, it’s hard to see how that would have changed with or without Reform.

Slightly misleading obviously. You vote for the opposition to get the incumbent party out, so it’s no surprise that’s a common reason.

The other reasons are all more granular, and should really be grouped together for anything meaningful, e.g. a lot of those relate to policies.

It captures a mood, for sure. But can’t take it than much more than that.

Yeah, reading some posts here is a bit sad. I’ve had friends that have self medicated in the same way alcoholics do, having to smoke when they wake up, throughout the day, before bed, just to get through the day.

That’s not a good thing. And yes, of course it shows they’re coping with something, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right solution.

The weird thing I always find is that people often completely ignore the fact most people smoke it, and smoking anything is clearly not good for you.

I mean London is a bit like that comparatively. I was born in London and spent a lot of time there growing up - the most crime (my phone was stolen, saw someone’s phone get snatched, I’ve been verbally assaulted on the tube, various other things like that) I’ve seen has been in the time in London. Despite that only being like 2% of time spent anywhere.

That’s what big cities are like usually.

America still has parks like Disneyland in Anaheim though, which is more comparable to Paris. That’s still not something we’d ever be so lucky as to dream of having in the UK.

And I’ve never encountered any of either that didn’t accept card. It really is going to be things like station toilets, random car parks (but even then, that’s very unlikely now.

You don’t need paper money for sure.

As someone who doesn’t have their property up for sale but would like to have a buyer lined up when I do in the next 6 months, I’d be pretty happy to get a letter from someone interested.

Indeed, and I imagine that’s why we’re seeing these ads. It must be harder to convince people it isn’t a big deal catching the flu than it was pre-pandemic. Like someone else said, it’s fairly predatory towards young people and those without money. Sucks.

That’s a decent salary for 6 years experience, but it depends on location really. In London you could certainly push a lot higher.

How’s that working out for you? Jesus Christ you people chat utter shit.

You missed the bit where you were going to say anything about VC. It was a super well rounded game.

San Andreas built on Vice City but it’s disingenuous to act like SA was the groundbreaking game. It improved on VC in lots of ways but it wasn’t even the wow factor your suggesting when it came out.

Yes, you should. A freeholder can ruin your life. I’ve known people to lose a lot of money and life span due to it.

BA are indeed horrendous. The worst CS I've ever experienced too. Poorly trained outsourced call centres.

They also wet lease lots of aircraft and use them on short haul routes, so a lot of the time form Gatwick you don’t even get a BA crew and plane - instead you get inexperienced crew and an experience well below “budget” airlines (a la EasyJet, RyanAir, WizzAir, etc).

As others have said, this is BLM2 and there are glimmers of hope every now and then, but in all likelihood won’t happen for a long time if it does. That article is from last year and there’s only been negative news since. I believe the campaign to bring it back has been going since the 80s.

I was challenged by two guards in the same day about why I was sitting in declassified first class. They didn’t know the entire route was declassified months and months earlier. And one of them got super shitty with me, storming off telling me she wasn’t going to argue, with the snarkiest tone. Literally made to feel like a cunt for following the rules!