Fuck that guy. He said this shit because he really does want bloodshed. He wants the fight so he can pretend he is some hero when in fact he is the villain.

I hope we don't end up in a world where they do have to begin worrying about that.

Do Democrats even have a think tank putting out massive policy plans to restructure the US government? Let alone led by a man who publicly announced "We are in the process of a secon American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the [right] allows it"?

Center Left

I almost said it would sell only American made products. But, Republican-run towns can't afford American made products due to their poor economies and poor policies. Instead, they rely heavily on cheap stuff made overseas in chain discount stores that put their few local businesses under and send their dollars to corporate offices in blue areas, just perpetuating the exodus of money, people, and hope for the future from Republican-led areas.

ETA: I wholly believe this attack on "Democrat-run" cities is to make people on Republican-run areas believe that even though things are bad for them, they're worse somewhere else. It gives them a moment of superiority so they don't look at the destitution around them.

Trump recently shared a post on Truth Social about having a televised military tribunal of Liz Cheney. That's walking right up to the line. Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and AOC would also be target.

I was going to say you are probably underpaid and a union would help you make even more. It seems you came to that conclusion on your own.

You aren't alone in your fears. I sat with my gay brother last night and he is similarly terrified. It reminds me of when women were saying 5 years ago that Roe would be overturned and that birth control access was on the line. People mocked them and called them hysterical (myself included) and here we are. Believing things can't escalate is a coping mechanism that all of us need to use right now. But, that doesn't mean your fears aren't founded in what you have already witnessed.

Fair. I also left out Family Dollar. Sometimes, there is both a Family Dollar and a Dollar General.

Center Left

Why isn't the fact that so many people prefer to live in blue cities and blue states enough proof for you? If they're all post-apocalyptic hellscapes, why are they thriving economically and culturally as rural areas dwindle and die? Red America isn't some golden utopia. This entire country is dotted with dieing towns with a post office, one local cafe, a Dollar General, one gas station, and usually about 4 churches Their schools and hospitals are shutting down. Their kids are leaving or dieing of opioid addictions. Their land and farms are being bought up by corporate agriculture. The per capita murder and crime rates are higher than blue areas. And, at least in my red state, they definitely are not clean and well-maintained. Clearly, blue states and cities must be doing something right and have more to offer if people choose to live there, even in what is now arguably the era with most potential for work mobility given the rise of work-from-home situations. People are geographically self-selecting on the whole across the country, they're choosing blue areas where people live longer and wealthier on average compared to red areas.

They seem like more honest versions of young white men in prior generations. Their policy positions are what other generations of young white men wanted also. They were just willing to give up on those because of racism. I wouldn't be surprised if these fellows do the same as they age.

Well, lucky for him Biden doesn't think it's part of his powers. Everyone here knows full well that Trump will absolutely view that as part of his powers.

The Constitution literally provides a mechanism for expanding SCOTUS. It was written into the founding documents. Somehow though, it's only a power grab when Dems use the Constitution to benefit their voters. When the GOP does it, it's just another Tuesday. I am so freaking tired of the double standard for the two parties.

The same way I did in 2020, relieved. The fight won't be over, but there will be a stop gap. As much as everyone is bashing him right now, Biden was the president we needed for the last 4 years. He has always viewed himself as the transitional president between his generation and the next. I think he has been actively working his damnedest to make that so. We are in the last stretch of the relay race for him before the baton is passed. I am grateful to him.

If Pete was married to a woman, he would be POTUS right now. And that shit is exactly what is wrong with America.

All of these posts about how it's Biden's responsibility alone to make sure Trump loses, either by abuse of his new power or dropping out all together or whatever new idea of the day exists, are essentially looking to one man to be our savior. This misses the point that Biden has been making. He's not our perfect savior. He's just the guy carrying the presidential mantle right now and the character of that person matters. It has to be American voters who save ourselves by rejecting Trump. It was always supposed to be us with the power. I think we would all be better served to stop externalizing our responsibility for action onto only Biden and then being upset that he isn't the superhero of your dreams.

Yes. And, I will point out, for the most part in this sub, it's not the liberals calling for Biden to step down. Look at the flare.

Are you serious right now? This Supreme Court has serious ethics breaches while repeatedly and systematically attacking oting rights, the ability to prosecute domestic terrorists, the health and reproductive freedom of half the US population, and now declared presidents constitutiobally immune from criminal acts and your post is that BIDEN pointing out how awful they are is the problem? Pull your head out of your backside.

Ok. Kamala becomes POTUS and Biden would still die before he was ever held accountable for it. Dems would win.

Yes, I am actually. The point of this conversation is to talk about the hypothetical. If the GOP controls everything, this is exactly what they will do. Period

So? If Dems have the Senate, he doesn't get removed. GOP has already shown us what a corrupt jury of the Senate is capable of. Even if they remove him, Kamala is next in line.