Farseer Trilogy is one of my all-time favorites and I couldn't get past book 2 of Stormlight Archive.

Farseer Trilogy doesn't feel as epic and is more a character study of this fictional character you follow over time and see all the political shenanigans through their eyes. It's incredibly well-written and Robin Hobb can make simple daily tasks a joy to read about. It is heavy and emotional though. If you liked Kingkiller Chronicles, I'd highly recommend this as it seems to be a huge (and sometimes almost copy cat) influence.

Stormlight Archive is a cool world and probably fits the term "epic" better, but I couldn't get past how long simple things took to be resolved and the characters are so shallow compared to those in the Farseer Trilogy.

I'd also recommend Memory, Sorrow & Thorn if you want something kinda in between - epic fantasy in a giant, awesome world with interesting characters

I don't think they're getting overrated. No one thinks they're a top team but it's hard to convince others here they have 4, let alone 1, players on good teams like you mentioned

Timeless is not more powerful than legacy even if it has some cards that are more powerful than anything in legacy

I didn't read it for the romance so it's hard for me to comment on that part. All I can say is they give you plenty of reasons to not cheer for the djinn and to hope Nahri finds a better match

Sanderson doesn't objectify women like a lot of authors in the genre but I don't feel like writing characters, let alone female characters, are his strong suit.

Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi (and The Daevabad Trilogy if you liked it) by Shannon Chakraborty.

And the Nausicaa manga if you want to see one of the strongest characters I've ever seen written.

I went from never hearing of Shannon Chakraborty to reading everything she wrote in 4 months. She's definitely on my auto-buy list as well!

I think they're looking for legal ways to play it

I thought Piranesi would be a good book for this since I knew nothing about it other than being a short standalone. Piranesi is not good for this

Robin Hobb or Tad Williams

The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb
The Daevabad Trilogy by Shannon Chakraborty
Nausicaa by Hayao Miyazaki

I agree, I couldn't get past the second Stormlight Archives book but I did really enjoy Mistborn. But I think Sandersons popularity does come from his accessibility and appeal to a wide range of people. Many of the other top authors don't have that

Wow that card is really good. Was it banned in modern for power reasons?

Not a fair comparison, Robin Hobb is arguably the best writer in fantasy with fantastic prose. Sanderson is not exactly known for his complex prose...

I couldn't get through Words of Radiance, it's not encouraging that many think the next book is even worse