I didn't play on the internet too much. But it was scarce since April of this year.

Uncensored costumes

Tag team fights

Simple supers

Dambe boxer(preferably a red-headed Irishman).

Monkey kungfu user

Maybe an OC creator similar to Street Fighter 6 and Soul Calibur 6.

Mamnta can take a year to make. A Titan can take centuries.

Few people can become demigods, others can't. Sideous was able to reach Force Storm, While Obiwan with a middling medichlorian can reach Force Ghost. Then there are others who can't wield the Force. It's a spectrum.

Not everyone can become a demigod, or possibly a god.

Well a combination of raw power, previous research(trying to save Padme), and help from Obiwan.

Clone Trooper

Japanese Monks retire in that they have less responsibility. My guess is that what happens. They are sent to less and less strenuous missions until they spend the rest of their days in some remote area in seclusion.

Clone Trooper

I expect that a combination of better medicine, more women's rights, and longer lifespan would bump that to 30 in AGFA.

What type post? I thought that adding dice roles keeps stories consistent.

My guess is a Snakebite nob, or a old school(doesn't trust too much tech), Bad Moon nob.

I guess his weapon counts as Big Choppa, and armor Mega Nob Armor.

Clone Trooper

Can we have girlfriends as long as we're not too attached?

Clone Trooper

"For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic."

So human generation = 30 years × 1000= 30,000 years.

And that's low balling it

If A New Hope is still canon, then yes, there must be more than 30,000 years of service the Jedi provided to the Old Republic.

From that picture alone, I doubt it since it looks like the Fire Nation Colonies are actually closer to the Northern Water Tribe. It looks like the Water Tribe border simply had higher walls.

I would say the conservative Water Tribe is the one that survived. Pakku didn't do anything wrong.

All hail the Manperor of Mankind!

Simply safety. No edge means gripping your focus is safer in a protracted battle. No cutting yourself when pushed into your weapon.

Clone Trooper

Still has the best Leia singing in any Star Wars media.

I guess you can have binary fission instead. Like in a later version of D&D where Bahamut and Tiamat are created from a bisected Ao.

Dead, since most of his gear is metal, he had to roll 5 d20s. Without a positive modifier. If he rolls higher than a five, then he summons Rustbeats. Pretty much metal eating Xenomorphs that can teleport. And five Nat 20s means fighting a Kaiju sized monster, The Rust Rajah.

The only way he can survive is removing all the metal he has and run.

If he does this, he has to contend with a human subspecies that is magically capable. To the point that plows are often golems in function.