Bono above average, good lord you're all insane.

Hows martinez doing these days?

Ah yes not even mid table and got knocked out of the conference cup

"Omg i dont support nazis i just wish they existed without me hearing about their atrocitoes, and everything was status quo 🙄"

Morocco is north african :)

Zellij isnt "middle eastern"

Hes literally the best keeper reflex wise martinez getting glazed for being a finale player instead of him was insane

Brother.....the MO is literally "blow up meridia", what exactly are you expecting???

I swear some of you cannot read to save your lives.....

This is an event mission, Meridia is BEING BLOWN UP.... its going to dissapear from the map, theres no liberation.

Idk if peoppe legit cannot understand the live part of the game or what the narrative is doing.....

There is no progress bar, no tug of war, we have 3 daus so that everyone gets to play the mission, and then the planet is going to kaboom so that the devs introduce the next part of the LIVE narrative.....

Its not, the moroccan tiles are literally small individual coloded pieces connected together like a puzzle and they were made by moroccan craftsmen when the it was first built.

What they shwoed now are industrial square garbage that doesnt even look remotely moroccan

I see bounou has been wrecking ronaldos shit since the world cup

Lol yea sure spain is is morocco

You wont compare idk what place you went to but kets assume a touristic place like Marrakech to barcelona

But places that are closer like the northern cities and the southern spanish cities like sevilla tarifa etc

I dont think you understand that the decolonisation dossier about the sahara was literally initiated by morocco....when spain had it colonised....

Lmao, uea ofc whatever i say is proganda but whatever you say that argument....

The referendum wasnt allowed because a third party....algeria was pumping refugge camps with anyone that crossed their border, ei mauretania and mali and they actually refused the referendum when morocco suggested that only known saharan tribes that were proven to live there have a vote and not whoever was in the camps.

Think about how thats actually fairer just screaming referendum! Referendum! Without the actual logistis of it

Yea...thats why you think its a compliment, and thats why you probably think calling other people exotic a compliment.....

What you cal "western sahara" is one of the most developped regions in the county...

Gow do you reckon its colonisation? If you believe colonisation is bad then why are you not protesting the fact that spain and france loterallydivided morocco into 3 territories, then when decolonisation happened suddenly a group froma neighbouring country magically sprung into action and demanded the country be split into half ?

Care to explain that? In the mot basic terms

Or are we just doing leftist handwaving and attaching ourselves to whoever says "irm actually an opressed militia that demands land" without an ounce of research?

The amount of you "rightous" internet freals is insane, you literally know nothing about saod cpnflict and still take a high horse position...

Riffle me this mister "soldiarty" and "i stand with people" when did the polisario front started? And by who? And who are these people they're trying to defend, and why is a random arab republic sprouting on north african soil randonly after we finally kicked out european colonisation

Yea well A Un map also has israel so which is it?

Also catalonia being wanting independence mhile also helping colonose the sahara just last century is laughable

Dude...i love how you're arguing with a guy that gree up there by telling him "the guys that are literslly based in the neighbouring country, propped by saod country and onlt showed up 20 years after independence actually own the land because they said so"

You have to be clinically insane to say thay lmao

Im convinced his only experience playing the game is going into the dev experikental environment and shooting a couple of spawned in enemiy nocs that dont move and calling it a day