Mfs did not drip my charge yet, I can’t float twice my rent at a whim ffs

I have a lot of fond memories with it. It is so worth it for me. So, I might not be the best person to answer that lol.

One of the favorites! I always have a bottle in my liquor cabinet. Easy to drink as a daily and for guests. I much prefer the 18 if I can help It.

I’m broke and I just borrow games from my library

Janet would marbleize

You need fertilizer to get it up

Oh c’mon, men can be bad at sharpening pencils with a knife and may accidentally cut their fingers while doing it and get yelled at by mom because I was too lazy to go buy a sharpener (based on real life events and I’m hoping Keanu can play me)

Professional Dumbass

Don’t lowball, I know what I got

Professional Dumbass

Well, I’m 28. So, half way there lol

Professional Dumbass

Call me a dog and slap my ass then

TIL there’s a Porsche 911 GT3 lol Never heard of that car before, too rich for my taste.

Glengoyne 21 should be about $270 plus tax Signifies almost 21 years of your friendship!

Whatever I feel is not intended for an innocent person but a predator. I still feel a predator deserves it but I feel for an innocent person and I can see how that is problematic.

Callled out? Bro we all have a life. Ain’t nobody spending their time on the internet all the time. That said, y’all are right. I got defensive but kids and their alleged accused deserve benefit of doubt. I might come across like an asshole but my heart was definitely in the right place. I am wrong and I am not afraid to admit that.

I will drink out of my mind and half dead but I would never switch sides lol

Falsely convicted as a child rapist? I will always trust a child’s world especially when a child says something bad happened to them. I’m not a sicko, you mess with a kid and that is exactly what you deserve if not more.

Other pictures definitely prove me wrong, great ID!

Not a RR but could be an Eastern Brown Snake I could be very wrong though

One of the reasons why I don’t miss working out even for a day! Couldn’t be happier.