Sooooo, here’s my two cents worth. I grew up in a “promiscuous” town, where teens were pregnant all the time (and yes, was a scandal every time). My cousin who was 2 years younger than me kept taunting me about still having my “cherry”. My cousin, who I used to be very close to. Peer pressure can be unreal. There is a lot of knowledge(fake) that teens feel is accurate and if they don’t agree or don’t comply, they’re the weird ones. I suspect that this may be the case with your daughter. Or internet that skews that thinking.

You can try and tell your daughter what you think of the situation but if she’s a typical teen, will think you’re old fashioned or boring and she knows better.

If she is performing bj’s, it may be simply due to pp and not any real interest.

One approach may be have a frank discussion about why people have sex; love, lust, guilt, obligation, etc etc etc.

Ask her about her feelings and why she was doing this. And guide the convo to where you think you want it to go.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but really try and impart that she’s much too young for these activities with other people; risk of being taken advantage of, risk of reputation (which while I known is dumb, but teens…), risk of not having confidence to say “stop” or “no”, risk of pregnancy, etc etc etc. BUT then acknowledge that sexual feelings is normal, she’s at an age where she naturally wants to explore, and that’s perfectly ok. But emphasize the fact that her sexuality and desires and wants are equally/more important than her partners. And until she is comfortable enough about sex to realize this, she may want to consider self love. And provide her with age appropriate sized “toys” and how to clean and use etc.

If you’re able to provide advice about sexual health that doesn’t shame her (and risk long term guilt) but encourages healthy types of relationships, that would be an ideal situation.

But regardless of what she says, it’s really really hard to for a teen to accept a parents advice and to return to being non sexual with another person. So try and be prepared for birth control convo.

Good luck. It’s a hard hard situation. No pun intended.

Canadian content. Pretty much anything can be renewed if it gets ok viewership as it meets CRTC Canadian content requirements.

Centennial and the transfer line green space are super infested with ticks. We need more possums.

I’m a fanatic as well. When I get a guilty conscience over the waste and cost, I go cold turkey. Aaannnndddd then I go crazy and buy out the stock. AND in the US (I don’t live there) Home Depot sells the EXTRA LARGE buckets of them.

Look into Canadian diamonds. (They actually have a polar bear etched somewhere to authenticate but it’s only visible with a jeweler view-thingy

Virtual hug. You’ll be ok. Really. Just be sad when you want but know you’ll be ok. Source:been there when I was 19.

Yep. My SS’s have evolved that way as well. As they’ve gotten older, 17 and 12, they say where the want to be. It’s officially eow, but they just ask/tell us where they want to be and their bio’s accommodate it as much as possible. Harder for me, but, what else is new as a SP? :)

Me too! But I never consider it rare cause I’m from a place with lots of redheads!

Stagnant water and safe alternatives Quick question

I have a stone fountain that has a medium size reservoir below ground. The water is gross. I’ve pumped it out, and once dry will scrub and rinse. However, what do I add to the water to keep it fresh and be safe for birds? Thanks!


Try bone headphones. They don’t go in your easrs. Shokz is the brand I have.

Guy or girl? There are several great spas that you can lounge in for hours at their hot baths. Body Blitz is one but there are other.

I had this convo with my partner as I had a realization that really impacted me.

By he and I paying equal amount of home expenses, and he was paying child support to ex. We live in a large home to accommodate his kids etc.

By me paying 1/2, and my partner overpaying child support, I’m subsidizing his ex’s life.

As we had the kids 50/50 and he was paying support (he was too scared to stop even though the support was based on when he didn’t have 50/50). So he couldn’t afford to pay a larger % of our home expenses as he was paying his ex.
So looking at the flow of $, I’m paying a portion of his share of our home so he can overpay his ex. So in reality I’m subsiding his ex.

Looking at it from this perspective I was like, F no!

It took a while for me to understand this and then we had a convo.

I found that people are uncomfortable or suspicious is something is “free”. What I would do as the day progressed is had “fill a bag” for $1. Or whatever price works for you. Many people want a “deal” but are hesitant to take anything free. Fill a bag is a solution that seems to work!

I had one on an island, about 1.5 hours from Toronto. Amazing. BUT after a while, it became almost an obligation to go there. Fridays were buying food/whatever, spend Saturday doing whatever, then Sunday, cleaning up to go home. No summer vacations because all were at the cottage. As the wife, I somehow became the organizer of meals, timing, etc. people visit a lot, which at first was amazing. But after awhile, I grew to resent them as I felt I was always a host. My issue, not theirs, and I was unable to address it as I’m too passive aggressive. Traffic was also a nightmare, and we were fortunate that we had alternate routes than highways. But still, always had to be aware of it. I think if it was four seasons, it may have helped as there wouldn’t be a “must go” mentality. Or maybe it would be worse.

After about 10 years, I hated going and pretty much stopped. When my husband and I split up, he kept the cottage and I was more than fine with that.

When looking for a post-divorce home, I wanted one with a large back yard and pool. No cottage, but had a place to swim, bbq, putter, etc. I still don’t vacation in the summer, because it’s too nice to leave. :)

There are pros and cons. If I had a job that I didn’t work summers or had kids, it would be a different experience.

It’s a lot of pressure.

My advice to people who ask, is, take $5k and rent a nice place for 2 weeks every year. It’ll be cheaper and you’ll have no responsibilities. It’s hard to say “$5k for a vacation in Ontario”, but compared to ownership, it’s cheap.

I had friends who bought a mobile home/trailer at a trailer park and loved it. Lots of facilities, little maintenance, lots of kids for theirs to hang with etc. Not for everyone but worked for them.

But, if you want a place and the experience, find one that you own outright. Leased land carries risk that you can’t control.

Good luck!

I have a friend that reeks. Just reeks. And she doesn’t know it. It’s not her, it’s her clothes. They pick up the smell of her house, which is a typical horder house. Just something to consider as well.

This has happened to me several times. I now have a decent retirement savings. I didn’t spend it, just invested in into registered retirement funds

Bagels on Fire in the Beach. Yup, the owners are from Montreal and have a wood brick oven!