Apparently they aren’t required to inform the congregation or public. It should be illegal for a church to enter into an NDA

Because he feels like harmless scumbag because. We mostly see him lingering around waiting for the grief to strike

Oooo maybe, you’re right, but Sheryl would know where hide a keys are. The girls were looking for one

Didn’t the girls call Sheryl so they would open the door for her to get in and remove the bats

Have you been peeking into my brain?

Actually capitalism does not reward innovation. A free market rewards innovation. Capitalism is not synonymous with a free market, they aren’t interchangeable words. I don’t know why everyone tries to keep telling themselves that. Capitalism says those who own the capital own the means of production. Which means all profits go to the shareholders who also want to see ever increasing value.

So to have the maximum value you have to drop features in slowly. If you add all the new things in at once you might not have room to add more value.

I don’t think all tech should be the same, I think there should be way more open standards and the additions on top of those standards are the value added. I’ve been trying to come up with a way for tech to make money that’s not so subscription model-esque

Now you’re just changing the goal posts. Am I doing everything I’m given without question or am I the final decision maker? Because you seem. To keep wanting to move me wherever is most advantageous to your diatribe.

Go have fun fuming over people having a good time. Bye

I do not, I question everything in given because my manager doesn’t know shit about if we can even actually do something he asks us if it’s possible. I ask why to help determine if it’s even necessary. Don’t bring your bullshit onto me

The real championship was the friends we made along the way

How? He literally fought the hypnotic programming to give himself a heart attack (or potentially die) and he’s trying to extricate himself from putting his family in danger from Leland

Yeah I’ve noticed I mirror my favorite characters. Its made me start to question who I am