And yet somehow Canadians are my favourite people

For my coach

He sees stuff I don't and he's remote because that's what I can afford.

Depends on what's available. I discretely video myself at the Y to send to my coach. Just what I have access to.

No idea what sort of form check you'd on this row but there are a lot of subtle nuances to heavy squats and deadlifts.

It's kinda comical how over the top it is. The political statement I'm hearing is "this is how fucked up a fantasy strawman is needed before the right is actually what they're be"


Edit: read your post to fast. On reread I'm pretty sure we agree.

Play the action then look for legal targets to choose.

I used magic lingo because OP did.

Where specifically do we disagree?

You don't chose targets when you play an action. So, you don't need a legal target to play it.

However... the spell may not fizzle. If you can find a legal target then you must choose it. So if you have Ariel in play and try to Let It Go your opponent's only creature Cogsworth, then you are putting your own Ariel in your own ink well. She's a legal target even if Cogsworth wasn't.

Further the spell will still try to do as much as it can. So if you cast Let The Storm Rage on and the only character is your opponent's Cogsworth or there are no creatures then while it can't do the damage you do still get to draw the card.

Now that's strictly the rules and most places will allow a take back but if you have to make a judge ruling then most times you should be ruling against the takeback and defending the game's rules. Kinda sucky but true.

So when I was young and in primary school I was terrible at left and right. One day I thought I'd nailed it. When the teacher at the front of the class and facing us lifted her hand and told us it was the right one, I made a mental note that it was the hand closest to the windows. So the windows were on the right side.

I was terribly wrong because obviously I was facing the opposite direction, but I was then very insistent on making all my bs and ds be directionally based on where those windows were. It... uh... caused some concern.

My mental note would have worked fine with up and down though. Because the sky is always up and gravity always pulls me down. Even in a headstand that doesn't change.

Left-Right are directions based on the orientation of the observer. Up and down are universal ... at least while we're on the ground. I can't imagine how one orients up-down if you get outside of earth's orbit. That would be similar left-right hell except probably much worse.

That's kinda where I am. Are they actively moving the game forward, and using necessary thinking time or are they spinning their wheels. Not sure I agree with "are they in trouble" because that's often the time they a player is thinking the most. It's are they taking reasonable time to move the game or are they spinning without movement.

Also, I'm prone to cautions before warnings even when the rules may or may not actually allow for slow play cautions if they are just taking time to think through every step of a many step turn.

What are the circumstances that would lead you to give a slow play warning. That's, I think, the hardest question

Think it's spelled "myrrh", but I'll allow it as a gift


The golf argument was about the only sane thing that happened. Also pretty typical from presidential debates.

When Trudeau talks about Canada, I'm always convinced he's talking about less than 100 hand selected elites not us plebs.

It's not such a bad life being, you know, ambassador to Hollywood.

No wonder they only have the energy to move one space

I'm pulling for:

Nan == Nan : false


Nan === Nan : true

Mostly because when I teach I like to put up a slide or two on just how weird JS is.

I'm going to report every one of my old posts and see if I can cash in on some sweet informant dollars. Screw me and my posting ways.

You mean Sentry Box Cards the growth off the side of Canada's largest and friendliest game store for everything but cards?

Well PB got the removed because of big D and apparently not RB so it's not a completely stress free relationship