So they got rid off Harrison Barnes with 2 second round picks and some cash, ya that’s not happening with us. With us it would be Reaves Rui, 2 first and probably a property in Brentwood

That’s why I m not worry about him, I m sure JJ gonna design some play for him and we have guys who can feed him the ball comfortably. Unlike these bums

I would too, there is that one possession where the other 4 guys were all on one side while he just stands in corner. No picks going towards him, clearly no one trying to get him involve.

Ya these guys can’t even pass the ball to him properly. Not worry about him

Sean East get ready to go to the East hemisphere buddy

Am I tripping or they can’t even get the score right?

lol people here talking about Bronny made me think he was our first rounder. Guys relax, he is the 55th picks, so put your expectations there

To this day some dumbass laker fans still yelling about we should not trade for AD

But Killing Alicent will do what exactly? No one cared about her opinion anyway

At some time they should CGI Katherine Kennedy’s face to the emperor. (No disrespect to sir Ian but I want the future generations to understand true evil)

Donald got no plans but you know what he got?

Insert “I got words, I know the best words” gif

Lakers fan will jump on to the shit on Rob train any chance. We resigned Christie, “he’s a bum,why!” If we don’t resign him and he walk, “Rob sucks, let him walk”

Well because CCP punished all heroic or any common sense behavior, for example when a elderly fell normally people help them get up. But Chinese elders and CCP sue the person who helped the elderly numerous time. So now most chinese they just watch or ignore shits like this.

Could you show me the data that tells people crimes are split pretty evenly? Because I saw a stats that says 13% of the population committed 50% crimes

Klay was 0-10 in the playin against a Kings team who can’t even beat the Pelicans

Idk, the Mavs actually needed someone who can create their own offense besides Luka and Kyrie. They had shooters last year and they went to the finals, just can’t make anything there. They lost DJJ who is a huge factor to them, giving them defense and space and occasional lobs.

What about fans like you? Over reacting to everything even if it doesn’t make sense. You think you can do better? Go support other teams, be a bandwagon fan fucking moron