
I made mine into an evil Avengers collective of different traitor legions.

This comment led me to discover these, and I thank you immensely for this gift of knowledge. Ave Dominus Nox, brother.

I really like that idea! I really agree that sorcerers suffer the most from a lack of spell options, and it seems like your table came up with a good remedy! Hope you enjoy it :)

For Sorcerer, maybe you could give them access to all metamagic options to be prepared on a long rest? That way a general feature is widely accessible. Or possibly extending their spell list by adding additional known spells or simply options to choose from.

It makes me sad that the "Trash" moniker is cliche. I just put it on because I liked it :(

I just finished the Lost Valley last night without even knowing about the new DLC until I saw this post in my recommended, so I'm super hype now!

I think what OP is saying is that though it's an optional rule they're upset because their table uses rolls against their wishes. Because rolling for hit points is presented in the rules as an option, their group may cite that as the argument for using it.

Fixed is the superior method imo, but I heard about using maxed out rolls. I'm curious to try that; it sounds fun and tanky in a nice way.

Yeah, it's called Vampyre. It's a really great, interesting concept. I never got into it, but I'm sure it's worth a try!

Perfectly valid if that's your thing! If you love the theme of paladins, but want to try something mechanically different, you can always apply the morals and ethics of a paladin to other classes- just as personal codes. I personally love the idea of applying archetypes to different classes. But you do you homie, if you enjoy smiting, keep on doing it! P. S. Blade warlocks are fun pseudo-paladins.

5e Wizard here. Personally, I'm not a fan of having to prepare spells because I don't know what to pick, but I wanted to share what my DM and I do. During daily preparations, my wizard can make a religion check to entreat Mystra for guidance. Depending on how well I roll, my DM gives me some hints for spells to prepare. Hope it helps if it's relevant :).

Ah yes, but how many wards did you place?

I've been confused about archetypes all week, but now I finally get it lol. Thank you!

Honestly, Splint armor is a pretty underated replacement for plate at lower levels. For a 1 AC difference, you save 1,200-1300 gp. Of course, 18 AC plate is statistically better, but 17 AC splint is a great replacement for balling on a budget.

You're absolutely right! I glossed over the "Creature" part. I was operating on "when a player mills a card" not a creature card. My mistake

I'm pretty sure it goes infinite with Altar. Because ETB -> Altar of the Brood (opponents mill 1) -> activates the horror trigger (New Permanent enters) -> Altar....

Each horror would trigger a new instance of mill, and therefore you would go infinite. If my rule math adds up that is.

EDIT: I missed the creature part.

My dumb self was thinking of David Duke for some reason. THOUGH, how great would it be to kick the Klan's butt in D&D?

As someone who primarily plays assault, seeing any ability triggers fight or flight.

Maybe for Garruk, a giant bird could just dive bomb the area could pop out of the ground for Heimdallr's 1? His 2 could just be primal screaming lol. His three could be that a beast carries him really quickly to the other node. His Ult would work as sending them to other planes like Zendikar and Ikoria?

Oh, and I forgot to mention Vivian Reed as Artemis!

Garruk may be a good fit for Heimdallr. Ral Zarrek may be a good Agni by subbing Lightning for fire? Gideon as Achilles?

Dio as the Morrigan. Coming out of the Ult, the "It was me, Dio!" line

Somewhat related, but never pick up the Rogue Lite modifier. It completely removes save your soul / fight for your life. And I do mean completely; even getting a kill before your animation finishes won't res you. Worst modifier in my opinion.