You’re definitely on to something. Moving to a different state with lower property taxes is a great idea. Maybe purchase a multifamily property to help with the mortgage payment. Dm me and I’d be happy to provide more insight and expertise.

He didn’t want to be Bro’d like friend zoned, so he want on the defense.

6.625 with lower costs provides flexibility. Play the field and look to refinance within the next 2-4 years and pay significantly less than 14k. Meanwhile, put the 14k aside in an interest bearing account to grow. If rates never come down, you can use the money to refinance later.

Very reasonable. On to the next investment / endeavor. Keep moving fwd.

I know Cheesy beef people, like acquaintances, but none of them are my friends. No offense. /s

The original song came on radio mista few days back and I sang along. Wife: how do you know that song? Me: from George’s voice mail.

Just having cameras everywhere huh. Cool.

Oh, for sure, was providing a psa while kinda helping you make your point.

They are categorically referred as depression era dogs. I like Jimmys, Gene and Jude’s and Rands Red hots. By the way, the No ketchup thing started as Jimmy was quoted in the newspaper saying my dogs are fresh and don’t need ketchup to cover up old hotdogs. He was branding fresh hotdogs.

Let’s go cut this fat bastard up…

[Kramer brings Junior Mints to the Surgical procedure]

R/Photoshoprequest can you please hook my boy up with fashion circa 2020s, please

R/Photoshoprequest can you please hook my boy up was fashion circa 2020s

Has anyone closed on a loan with the mail, lower to market interest rate?

Elaine is the Sea, and she was angry this day, my friends.

Check statrac. It’s actually around guys like Nimmo Mets and Teoscar Hernandez from Dodgers. I’d prefer Hernandez from hitting perspective but Happ is solid for the pay scale. Cubs need to beef up at get consistent production from 1B, 3B and speaking of contracts, SS.

My wife is an academic, a successful professional, as well as a great mother. She is incredible! Regarding Butker and his wife life. If you read, he is praising his wife and counting his blessings. As long as she agrees and is fulfilled, everyone can just pound sand. No issues here.

Happ is very a good player who absolutely can be a part of a Championship team. He does many things right to help a club win but is not the difference maker. His contract should and will reflect this.