Think about it first just a second. How many teles do you see with the ashtray on, as opposed to off?

Employees have no rights, so I can’t imagine this is illegal. They can fire you for pretty much anything.

Exited to work on a Les Paul? If he’s excited by that, I’m not sure he’s the person for the job.

He was just showing how secure it was.

Practice, practice, practice.

The article doesn’t give any update other than Target saying “as soon as possible”

Not sure why a tube amp is necessary here. If the person is not into gear, why have to worry about tubes? Solid state is the way to go. I recommend the orange crush 20RT. Great amp. Clean and dirty channels. Gets the job done.

I felt the same way for ages. Society was going to collapse for sure, but it will take a while. After I’m gone for sure. This past week it really made me realize that of course fascism HAS to happen fast. It needs to gain control before most people realize it. So it’s coming within months, not years or decades.

Do they not have uniforms? Most gas station/convenience stores wear uniforms.

Because “supervisor” is on the day shift, and he’s terrible at his job.

That’s a pretty wild difference between guitars. A V and a custom 24 are just different beasts.