Went from Ohio to Yellowstone and then Colorado and didn’t stop and see all the parks in between

I spent the extra money and got an MSR 2P tent. Best decision I ever made. They do have pole issues but it’s nothing electrical tape can’t fix.

Still haven’t finished it! I’ve only hiked Georgia to New Jersey lol one day I’ll get the whole thing done.

Yeah, you got a point. My first three weeks on the Appalachian Trail (prob had about 60lbs before a shakedown) was absolute hell.

I’ve been rucking for three years. I’ve used three different packs. A deuter, hyperlite, and osprey. I think you have a valid point but pack fit/ design is a crucial factor in comfort. I’d rather carry a osprey with 60lbs in it than a hyperlite or deuter with 30lbs.

There was a Virginia kid, don’t recall the age who hiked the entire Appalachian Trail. It’s do-able you just need to be sure he is motivated

I’ve been there. It’s your environment. Your brain is using the amygdala (caveman peanut brain structure) bc you are in survival mode. You are in a place where everyone knows your deal and are treating you like a fucking psycho. That happens every time I go to my home town. Gtfo you’ll thank me one day

Stop taking the meds and work out everyday. Stay away from alcohol and excessive tobacco/ nicotine consumption. Don’t do stimulants like adderal, coke, meth, etc. Don’t do downers like benzodiazepines. Eat balanced meals everyday. Stay away from toxic people that want to act like something is wrong with you. Be around people who treat you with respect. If someone disrespects you, ignore them like they are dead to you. Learn to be fake like every other American so you can deal with shity “friends” and family members who most likely created your illness bc they don’t understand generational curses and how to break them. Move to a place where no one knows you and learn who you really are bc all your bad habits and shity personal modes of being will still exist. Then move somewhere else when you know who you are, what you want, how you can change and have some experience changing behavior, like move far away. Another country.

There’s nothing wrong with anyone diagnosed schizo. It’s a fucking scheme by doctors and big pharma to keep people down and make money and create jobs. Seriously, travel the world with my advice above and I promise you will stop having symptoms every day.

I wouldn’t give a fuck either way. We are all fucking criminals. Our government creates white collar criminals with the tax codes, thousands of mass murderers during wartime, legal drug dealers through education systems, organized gangs by means of law enforcement, and much more legal criminal conduct. I really am tired of hearing how the justice system isn’t working or fair or blah blah blah… go fuck yourselves! It’s not ever going to be those things if the government can be criminal but the everyday citizens cannot be committing the same “crimes”. Have an open mind and stop being ignorant to what’s really happening. Y’all are all fucking mind controlled like North Koreans.

Yeah, big no! You don’t need bear mace. Plus the bears are small. Highly unlikely but if you get into an altercation with a bear just start punching it’s snout. I’ve never not seen a black bear run away from me. They know humans are the dominant species.

Thank you, someone agrees commando is the way!

North face has good breathable stretchy khaki looking shorts/ pants but not cargo. This ain’t the 90’s bro lol

Shit, you didn’t say. Your willing to drive? Well oh my, your options have just become way larger. Telluride, Breck, Summit county in general has a ton of hiking, or south to pikes peak. You’re about two hours from amazing shit whether you head north to boulder or west to summit or south to the springs / sand dunes. Rock on man, you’ll figure it out.

You could hop on the Colorado trail and start hiking, camp out one night and then head back to Denver.

I’d say avoid Denver at all costs for solitude lol

I actually walk the US on trails and roads. I live on 1200. Def not enough to live but enough to eat good and explore

Sounds like a beginner setup. You’ll def want to switch to lightweight if you plan on doing it for long periods of time( 2months or more) but all in all that’s a solid set up.

If you want the voices back go find yourself some meth and smoke it

I hiked most of the AT with a osprey 80L with very padded and wide shoulder straps. I’ve since made the switch to light weight packing and the thin shoulder straps aren’t really an issue unless the pack becomes more than 30 lbs. I’ve got a hyper lite south west 70

I watch movies on my phone. It takes the mind off walking/ hiking