Moderate Conservative

And people could also just watch the video of Biden talking over the past year...I honestly can't imagine what they're afraid of, it's only gotten worse since he was interviewed, and that's all been in public view.

Moderate Conservative

Starting to feel like a modern-day Watergate, pretty wild 😲

Definitely... imagine if Republicans tried to pull this trick on Obama? These "crimes" are literally "business as usual" in NYC. This was obviously motivated by politics, this case didn't exist until after Trump was elected in 2016, and had been bypassed by numerous District Attorneys in the decade (or longer) before Trump's first term. Just a stupid, dangerous situation for democracy.

He's the incumbent conservative lol, who did he need to debate? He said what he said in the 2016, if you actually cared to know his opinion on pretty everything. I think he achieved more on the campaign trail than he ever could in those manufactured debates. Don't pretend you were going to watch either way πŸ˜‚

Reddit loves to pretend it's smarter than the general public πŸ˜‚ the fact is most redditors would not survive long in this "quiet world". Loud, obnoxious people.

But at least we have a water table in Massachusetts...looks like California will have to switch to bottled water instead of tap if they keep pillaging their natural resources.

Yeah, who cares about the opinions of the people who make sure grocery stores have products to offer. πŸ€ͺ Liberals say "shut up and grow my corn and beans"

I mean, if everyone is going to keep slavishly voting for the same political party no matter what, I guess both sides will keep bullying one another. There's no intelligence is allowing ANY party to have your vote by default. That's not democracy, flat out.

I's largely true that major urban areas tend to vote more liberal. People who don't like living next to a million neighbors tend to vote more conservative...there's plenty of good reasons for this, if liberals care to find out why, but they just blame guns and religion instead πŸ˜‚

The writing has been on the wall for years...and Firefox never stopped protecting people's freedom to use their browser. Google has too many conflicts of interest, nobody should be using Chrome after this change, it's clearly "evil" (which use to be contrary to their motto...oh well)

The actors knew each other quite well by the time of filming...I think it shows on the screen. Genuine love πŸ˜„

I’m in the camp that there is no β€œgood guy” here

Well then you'd be wrong. Israel is a secular democracy. Hamas is a terrorist organization. Not the same. Why liberals cannot distinguish between a democracy and terrorists is probably why Bush Jr. still hasn't gone to jail for what HIS administration did in Iraq/Afghanistan. Maybe make some effort to hold the West accountable for its own evil actions before you critique a country SURROUNDED by forces hostile to its very EXISTENCE.

they were war criminals. that’s a war crime. period

Against terrorists. Netanyahu has done nothing that the US didn't do in Iraq/Afghanistan while "pursuing" Bin Laden. Easy to call out war crimes from the comfort of your safe space. Now try doing it while being held hostage by Hamas...killing hostages (while still trying to use them as leverage) is a far worse war crime than white phosphorus.

Hamas is a terrorist organization...they do not follow the logic of a sovereign state, with something to lose (i.e. the will of the people). They will continue to terrorize the region until they're put down.

It's just going to lead to chaos...trying to bypass Netanyahu is just absurd. Biden has no idea what he's doing, at all. This is tantamount to a political coup, and the US has a VERY LONG history of botching those up, royally.


Smart leadership

You clearly do not pay attention to the president πŸ˜‚ the man's brain is practically mush at this point, this collective delusion has got to stop πŸ›‘


They literally said "trust'll be different next time". Then show me the leaders who are stepping up to either reverse or improve on what Netanyahu has been trying to do since the mid-1990s. This situation is clearly a challenge for most world leaders, there is no "quick fix". Changing how the democratic process works might be helpful, but you still need a pool of leadership to step up to the plate. Does Israel have that?

Because the people of Israel keep voting for him...maybe people on Reddit should stop it with the echo chamber bullshit and actually TALK to Jews is Israel, hear what's actually going on, not just what the government of Israel (or the terrorists or Hamas) is saying.

He wants Israel to go on as long as possible.

FTFY, because you (and other pro-terrorist factions online) need to remember this is a SOVEREIGN state, vs a domestic terrorist organization. Hamas has no plans to create a secular democracy like Israel, they want a theocracy that will treat women as slaves, and murder people who don't keep to a conservative Islamic faith. Liberals need to use their damn brains here, there is no future for Israel (or "Palestine") if it devolves into theocracy.

Well Hamas is a terrorist group...since when does the West negotiate with terrorists? Hamas needs to be dismantled, period.

Bush use to always tell us "never negotiate with terrorists". Clearly this administration doesn't subscribe to that motto, because Hamas is a terrorist group, and should not be given the legitimacy of a "peace deal". There will be peace when Hamas is no longer a viable organization, with spokespeople.

Please go ask your closest Jewish friend

That would be Jesus lol...please remember your Faith. And all I see is a Democratic administration leaving Israel in the dark over whenever we will protect their right to exist as a secular democracy or not. As Christians and Americans (if that is your citizenship), we should tend to avoid groups that want to push for theocracy (which is the case for many Muslims in the Middle East), which will spell the death of secular democracy and freedom of religion. We should protect freedom of religion (and "from" religion) whenever possible.

There were even much more ethical, moral, and Christian candidates in the Republican primary, such as Mike Pence.

You are definitely not from Indiana lol. He was not a 'just' governor, Christianity is about helping those who are less fortunate, and Pence believes in a Christianity that treats "the least of these" as a charity case for churches, not for the People of America to help care for. I'm referring to his attempts to reduce the ability for the poor and disenfranchised to gain access to affordable healthcare and other "social works".

Its a strange, divided world we live in, where your simple statement invites negative votes. I'm right there with you, Friend...even Christians make "faith in Jesus Christ" a complicated path. It means reading what Jesus said and putting it into practice in your daily life. Some call it (sometimes derisively) "New Testament Christian", but it's probably true that much of the Bible is a historical guide of the Church, and less a "daily reminder" of your walk with Jesus Christ. Suffice to say, He has always been with You, crucifixion and otherwise. He will never Forsake you.

Moderate Conservative

Hillary certainly rejected the 2020 election results...honestly, it's just refreshing to realize its Democrats who have been trying to undermine the democratic process for some time now (probably since the Nixon Era). Their party name should be forfeit, and the DNC should be an illegal organization, by an independent analysis.