I can’t speak for other religions besides Christianity but I’ve seen a bad trend where people will become absentmindedly passionate and unapologetic towards sharing their faith and it often ends up being very disrespectful to the people around them. Just completely tone deaf and disregards boundaries. I’d love it if there was a push to teach communication skills along with sermons about sharing the gospel. Critical thinking skills too. Sharing your faith and connecting with someone on such a profound topic needs to be given with top tier communication skills and care along with strong people skills like empathy and being able to read a room. The way a lot of people mess up doing that is they’re closed minded about how the person they’re talking to is feeling. It’s rude and it completely misses the point and ends up doing the exact opposite to where the listener is now further put off from any kind religion. So, they might mean well but their lack of care and perspective betrays their ability to succeed.

If you are actively practicing yoga for the spiritual aspect to it then you’re probably exploring other spiritual things already as well. As Christians we know where to find that missing piece already so if you feel like you’re wanting to explore other religious/spiritual practices then you need ask yourself why. There’s nothing wrong with utilizing and appreciating a cultures method of improving mobility and tranquility through body motions. They’ve been developing it for centuries so it’s got some great credibility for being a benefit to your health. Just because I enjoy it though doesn’t mean I’m going to start believing and worshipping Indian gods. At most I think it would be good to learn about its history to understand the scope of what I’m practicing. God gives us a coherent mind to understand the nuances of the world. I can trust his strength that doing daily stretches and breathing exercises aren’t going to derail my relationship with him. That’s me personally though. If you know yourself to be easily influenced and doubt yourself at the moment then you don’t have to do it. No harm no foul. Maybe your only sources for yoga are heavily influenced by the spiritual side and it crosses a personal boundary for you. Then stick to your guns.

I quit unexpectedly less than a month ago. The mom and pop shop was a shwanky boutique in a shwanky town and wanted nothing to do with installing professional structure amongst employees. You couldn’t get written up. No warnings. No HR. Of course they were more focused on being best friends with their employees instead of bosses. They hired a chick who turned out to be a full on lunatic ( I quit the day her mom came in to harass me) and when she continually disregarded my boundaries they did nothing. They instead looked to me to fix the problem. At the beginning, I took it as an opportunity to show them how professional and controlled I could be in diffusing work tiffs. I pulled out every scrap of knowledge I had in conflict resolution and used it. The one meeting that turned into a spectacle I had with the lunatic and mom owner ended after the owner had us take a personality test that showed “wow you guys are nothing alike no wonder you but heads lol” and then the lunatic getting freaked out and trying to leave when I gave my grievances. That was a year ago. It never got resolved and there had been tension ever since. Then one day she tries to apologize by deflecting any kind of responsibility she had and I decline it. She had lied and accused me of several things countless times. When I asked her what she was apologizing for she said she didn’t remember. The next day her crazy mom comes in to harass me and the owners get mad that I didn’t accept her apology and called it a pride issue. That was when I realized they weren’t ever going to deal with the situation. It would just fester and get worse and worse. I wish I’d quit sooner. The pay was decent for retail though so I tried to stick it out. It’s still so bizarre to me how inept they were at seeing their weaknesses in not even having a warning system. The lunatic had to be corrected countless times there’s no way she would’ve kept her employment if that had happened. I’ve never ran into such a toxic issue before in or out of the workplace. I hate that I have a work drama history now. It’s disgusting and makes me feel like I look very unprofessional. I did everything I could to show myself to be capable, responsible, objective, and professional during my time there and it didn’t matter because nobody else was interested in being professional.

Honore Daumier would be proud

No your mistake was admonishing a stranger on the internet before you read the rest of their replies for context. I’m not arguing people shouldn’t take personal responsibility. If I was I would’ve said people shouldn’t take responsibility. That’s the third time it’s been said now. I was stating my opinion that expecting the pollution problem to go away by just doing your own personal best won’t make a dent in fixing the problem and that that mindset was a campaign the big wigs sold to us decades ago to keep the heat off of them and their the ones who we should be focusing on to make change. So we already agree on the same things. I apologize if that wasn’t clear in my statement. Just because somebody states they like rainy days doesn’t mean they hate the sun.

“Please stop justifying not doing your part” lol I just did justify it. It’s actually justified why having that mindset of “it starts with you” isn’t working and was a big campaign by those giant conglomerates to keep the responsibility off of them. We grew up with that mindset. That’s 20+ years of it and there’s what to show from it? Now we have soggy paper straws and have to pay for bags. Are we any closer to reducing our carbon footprint? Nope. The mindset I’m practicing, the one where we actually turn our focus towards the companies responsible for the majority of waste and energy consumption and tackle that issue instead of hoping it gets better by recycling a soda can, is the one I’m willing to practice now after the previous one hasn’t given good enough results. Now, you seem to be assuming that I am willingly choosing not to be thoughtful of my own personal footprint and negate all my own responsibilities in my immediate area. That’s stupid. A few comments down I agreed with another commenter that understanding the nuance of personal responsibility and the majority responsibilities both still apply to understanding the resolution to the problem. It’s easy to understand. You should try it.

I can see them utilizing that idea easily too yeah. For the time being I’m fine with putting more heat on the discrepancy though because they are still the majority of the problem. People who already buy into the idea that we have no impact anyway so might as well consume aren’t going to change the level of consumption enough to overcome the level of consumption from big companies. If everybody started consuming more stuff it’d actually be pretty hard to. We need money to consume more which is a big problem in a lot of places. So even if everybody decided to live more luxuriously we wouldn’t get very far for very long and I still don’t think it’d outmatch the creation of products energy consumption or the waste. It’d make it bigger as there’s a bigger need for stuff sure but it wouldn’t last. I see what you’re saying though. Having an objective mindset to see the value and differences in individual vs industry is the sweet spot.

That’s been a growing conversation topic and I love it. I grew up in plenty of droughts and smog filled days. 6 minute showers, if it’s yellow let it mellow, spare the air days, etc. People are finally realizing that all those companies, oligarchies, and conglomerates that told us individual change is what’s needed to save the planet completely pulled one over us all. Even if an entire city’s housing population didn’t run ac for a full day, a single ginormous factories power usage would still outweigh it I’m sure. And if you think about it, homes are probably used less than businesses in terms of energy consumption. Fewer people, no industry sized equipment requiring industry sized power, left empty the majority of the day while the inhabitants are at work and school. It’s impossible for a housing area to even come close to matching the level of energy/ resource consumption a city does.

Dude I’m usually NOT so when I actually did it I was so proud of myself and will continue to share the few moments I was till I’m old and gray.

When customers stormed out saying they’re never coming back I’ve had two very proud sassy replies:

The first was “promise?”

The second was Willy Wonka’s “no, stop, wait, come back,” in the most tired apathetic voice I could muster.

Dude I unexpectedly quit my job last week because the mom and pop shop I worked for refused to reprimand a psycho coworker who kept making toxic drama. I wish there had been any semblance of an HR department I could’ve asked help from but they wanted nothing to do with instilling even a warning system. Nobody could even get written up. I was doomed from the start. Now that I know what it’s like to need professional intervention and not have it, if I was in your position, I’d start that paper trail in a heart beat. I don’t care how uncomfortable it’d make her. It’s her learning how unprofessional she actually is and finally just met somebody who wouldn’t put up with her shit. It’s not your fault she’s got horrible work ethic.

Well now I want to go and do every single one of these while making eye contact with the chefs

I almost got sent home one day when I worked as a cashier at my grocery store cause my jeans weren’t dark blue enough. The cherry on top is that we stood behind waist height check stands the entire day WITH AN APRON. If I could go back in time I’d ask them why they were staring at my pants so much when it was hard to see them in the first place.

I’ve definitely met a few people who’ve never had their ass handed to them and it shows. The few times where I’ve exhausted talking through something and they still just choose to be aggressive. Maybe we should bring back duels. Cause it was very clear that one punch to the face would shake their whole world and that’d be the end of it.

If I can afford that financially one day I’d love to do that. When mine passed I paid for communal cremation cause it was the cheapest and they gave me a little clay slab with her footprints. For a couple of weeks after though they kept calling me to come pick up her ashes saying she had been cremated alone. I finally called back and said I didn’t pay for that so idk whos ashes they were trying to give me lol.

No it’s not illegal. It’s poor business to mix personal beliefs into the community aspect so heavily but not illegal. I actually just quit my retail job this week from the toxicity of it and the majority of employees, including myself, were open about being religious buuuuuuuuuuuut there were some who WOULD NOT shut up about it to the point it became quickly inappropriate in the workplace. I asked several times to integrate a more structured setting with a bolder line of workplace chitchat (they were speaking to eachother as well as customers). It was making people uncomfortable and frankly there just wasn’t a reason for it when you sell clothing and the blatant disregard of empathy for others around them when asked to reel it in showed so much hypocrisy. It left a bad taste of religion in my mouth that I now have to work through. I can only imagine it’s a bigger put off for people who’ve never practiced religion seriously. There’s a certain level of objectivity that a workplace needs to provide. They didn’t want to provide that and it contributed to them losing their “best employee”. During Father’s Day weekend too which is a HUGE crazy time for them.

I have very much lower stakes than you but I quit my job unexpectedly this week too for similar reasons. Put up with the crap for as long as I could cause it was a good paying job (minus benefits) but shit hit the fan one time too many so I left the hostile shithole. I’ve spent the last few days on my portfolio and updating my resume next. Tbh sorting through the toxicity has been a thing. A lot of thinking. It’s a good chance to recenter mentally and just breathe for a moment. Enjoy being out of the nastiness. Of course we’ll move onto the next job. That’s not a question. There is still a level of worry that will always be present while looking so don’t pay attention to it. If you’ve been able to become as established as you seem to be then you’ll be just fine. My husband is like your wife lol. We’re just starting it off practicing being as positive and opportunistic as we can. It’s not everyday I have everyday to dig into my future so it’s been fruitful in quiet ways. It’ll be just fine. You’re not a washed out loser or anything. You’re not going to end up in hot water financially. Youre not any less of a person for quitting a horrible job. You’re driven and motivated and know how to function as a contributing member of society and that’s what you’ll continue to do and you’ll do it happier than you were.

Like the others have mentioned, looking at the illuminated manuscripts will give you a very early medieval look which is often heavy in religious context. Another time period to look into is the catholic reformation. Things like altar pieces have very strong biblical story imagery. A lot of cathedrals will have big paintings and sculptures also.

A quick wiki search gives a few names you could look up for inspo:

Its leading exponents were therefore Italian Baroque artists like Caravaggio, Pietro da Cortona, Bernini, and Andrea Pozzo; the school of Spanish Painting, such as El Greco, Ribera and Francisco de Zurbaran; and the Flemish master Peter Paul Rubens.

Yep besides the manager there were four, now three, employees. The pay was actually good though (it was a shwanky town) minus benefits of course. That’s why I put up with it for so long cause I was convinced theyd handle it cause they kept boasting how much they appreciated me compared to the others and the money reflected it. Guess you can’t throw money at ALL your problems. I hate that toxicity ended that opportunity for me.

EXACTLY! It’s such a bad and uncaring call for superiors to just wave their hands up and essentially say “you two deserve eachother figure it out on your own”. Theyre ultimately choosing to not help either of them so the problem just boils over eventually. Then they have a shocked pikachu face when shit hits the fan. This is why people started making hr departments and more structured workplaces lol. We need it to a certain degree. Tbh looking back on it, having that professional intervention would’ve fixed the problems immediately. I didn’t think it was a big enough issue to file any kind of complaints and there was no place I could file anyway. I should’ve reported them using outside business companies anyway. The amount of trauma those people gave me is an easy harassment charge looking back.

I just got back from the moon and I haven’t won it once.

Wait just remembered I got the poison shrooms once back in glitzville I think.

I quit my job yesterday. The day before I had another boomer moment when a woman walked up to me and asked why I wasn’t smiling and if I was upset (while she was brimming from ear to ear). I told her “no this is just my face. Is there something wrong with that?” She mumbled something and then continued shopping. They have no clue. The level of empathetic detachment should be studied.

Yep and fathers day this weekend is their second biggest sale season of the year next to Christmas. Sucks to suck.