Je seconde les wishlists/attendre/oublier. Hehe

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YEAH COUP DE PIED PATINS ! 🤘🏻🛼 (désolée, ça m'a prise par les émotions haha)

I like when the host mentioned Tristan Harris suggesting that they put development investments on a 1 to 1 for safety and Sam answered "I don't know what that means", "making policies is all nice and all..."

Dude. Come on. Out of all people/groups of people developing new technologies, they should be the first to be taking the Center for human technology modules and doing the reflections. Maybe taking the reflective questions and injecting them into the models as to produce regular stats on the development and if it is leaning more on one side or another, is it being biased, etc... 😬

A push, because it's actually 3 kids one on top of eachother.

A lire ça, je feel pour ta grand-mère et toutes celles qui ont dû et peut-être encore à ce jour sont forcées/manipuler à avoir des bébés non stop et tous les autres trucs pas le fun, comme les violes... 😓🫂

Your uncommon answer is definitely my take. That was so satisfying to read. Hahaha

Not a combat animator, but I enjoy getting creative if I can't find any reference for what I want.

Diy a sword or big hammer. It doesn't need to look good, and will give you a reference if you film yourself/others.

For a big hammer, you might need to act as if it was heavy.

This is so pretty !!!!🤩👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Maybe if more people around the world started making Solar punk/biophilic art, animation, music about solar punk, it would help push that this would be the better future for us all... 🥲💚

It sounds like fun characters. I dig! Thanks for the run down. 😁 Keep putting all the part together and best of luck with the pitch.

It's giving me a bit Amphibia vibes, which I fricken loved.

Vocalists are musicians, yes. I take that part back. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😩 Sorry. Sorry.

She's maybe just not exactly a vocalist that makes my knees weak or fills me up with emotion. Just another Disney styled formula... Music is relative to each person, so...let the swifties swift.

Anyway, let's atleast agree on that a world without real practicing musicians of any skill level/size of fan base/etc would suck. 😅😊👍🏻

Je suis étudiante et il me reste 1 année au BAC. Tous les élèves capotes un peu à cause de ce qui se passe.

J'ai commencé à connecter avec des gens de d'autres milieux (étudiants en ingénierie, physiques, médecine,...) pour voir comment je pourrais orienter ma carrière autrement.

Pas besoin de mettre tout au poubelles, mais la transition va être rushante... Mais encore, tout dépend des autres idées de génie à venir du gouvernement. Ils disaient avoir l'éducation à coeur et le milieu de la santé... Ben aweille, pousse vers l'innovation au lieu de mettre plein de cash dans les Kings et de rêver d'un nouveau stade. C'est pas de ça qu'on a besoin de ces temps-ci...

I would suggest you take 1 of those characters and make a turn around sheet to understand if there is a need/where there is be a need to tweak their structure.

My analytic technical drawing teacher suggested a good book called anatomy for sculptors. I would say check out parts of it online and practice breaking down things into shapes/volumes.

Maybe look at some color theory to adjust the colors you already have. Make the characters pop by lowering some saturation for some and keeping other elements more vibrant.

What's their story? ☺ Keep it up!

Cute stuff! Makes me shake my hips hahaha I like those purples a lot! I would make the hair line art a bit thinner maybe, but that's just my lil farty opinion. 💜

Heheheh those tiny fangs poking out.

J'aime beaucoup Thierry La Rose et Le Loup, alors merci de partager l'existence de cet album. ^

Depuis le début. La CAQ fait de la bouette. Cibole qu'ils sont déconnectés et semblent se foutre complètement de faire basculer la vie du monde. Mais quelle horreur...

What is this question even? Go look up how learning to play music helps to develop/connect certain regions of the brain.

Music is so much more than making a product to be sold, so there will always be a desire to listen to real musicians. And for the musicians themselves, to engorge their sounds with their sentiment and soul, just as dancers and other artists do...

I'm not saying that AI can't make some good/fun music. There is just something about knowing that real people invested themselves in producing tracks, even for video games. Like orchestras or weird sounds sampled to make music.

I wish they would focus on using AI to speed up other types of work process, and not cut employees. If anything, cut the CEOs lol.

She can be the first non-needed. 😬 (Sorry. Personal opinion. Her music is catchy pop, but not good. I don'teven know if she plays any instruments other than singing...So technically she isn't even a musician if she doesn't...)

Flatulences de caoutchouc rose à saveur viande

I found that studying with 1 other serious person helped.

You go slide by slide, read it a couple of times out loud, have the other person hide it from you and try to remember/have them question you. Alternate. Take a few notes if needed.

If it's very intense, see if you can talk to a social worker. They might be able to provide references to places that could assist or breakdown a clean up plan with you perhaps.

Definently have to make a priority list of what needs most urgent cleaning.

Put some music on, make yourself a little space to rest with snacks and do it in small spurts. It definitely sucks. :/

I hope they will appreciate it if you do it.

Ça serait beau de voir une partie de ces milieux garder leurs employés et de changer ce qu'ils produisent.

Faire plus de documentaires, plus de contenu/jeux etc qui pourrait aider l'apprentissage de différentes matières afin d'instruire les gens sur divers sujet/aider le système d'éducation, etc.

Il me semble que dans ce cas, il y aurait de l'argent à investir, ainsi que d'aider ces employés à développer leurs modèles IA au besoin come un outil et non comme un remplacement.

Je dis ça en étant étudiante universitaire en cinéma d'animation (l'étude de movements image par image, tout ce qui constitue l'image/l'environnement créé.) avec un intérêt très présent en technologies/sciences. Dans la dernière année, j'ai pu jaser avec des étudiants en ingénierie (électrique, aérospatiale, civil, informaticiens,...) , économie, écologie, biology, psychology, arts informatiques, etc. Même des gens dans d'autres pays. Ils semblent partager mon avis étant donné que d'avoir de la matière en format vidéo vs uniquement lire/relire peut s'avérer plus efficace pour plusieurs. D'avoir différents formats d'information peu définitivement aider à la compréhension, ainsi que la rétention de cet information. S'il y a des problèmes à former des professionnels dans certains milieux, je ne vois pas comment ça ne serait pas une voie à explorer.

Example de compagnie (au hasard) qui essaie de développer ce genre de chose: Nanome

Voir siteweb (oui, c'est en anglais, mais vous pouvez très bien vous faire une idée de ce qu'ils font.):

Nous sommes des créatures sensorielles et l'interprétation d'information reçu par nos yeux qui est traité par notre cerveau se fait très rapidement.

En tout cas, c'était mon reddit TED talk. Maintenant, allez regarder des vidéos de chats en mode défilement morbide (doomscroll)! Ou avoir un moment de réflexion.

Hey, I really appreciate that you took the time to write these.

Honestly all of me wants to believe this, and also understands that perception is so very important. Until we can all (or a large amount) become more mindful, respectful, we can't concretely design some type of future that serves us all or that permit us all to live better realities however it has to be setup. It probably wouldn't be much like what we've known before, so yeah...

And with the game theory, it's like we would all need to at that point where we are balanced enough (based on unbiased, neutral-active psychological states), that's when we get our spark towards the problem solving since they can't just be handing it out like candy.

Maybe it needs a sprinkle of improv. Make it less repetitive, perceptualy, patterns + random je ne sais quoi from picked from a data bank that would be regarded as safe possibilities... Maybe they are currently doing the best they can in terms of safety actually.

We may never know or we're in for a surprise info dropkick in the teeth one day. Hah