Seems to know how to play pretty well when he tries to, folded trips on HCL and lost the minimum to Brandon Steven, which you never expect a whale to do.

I mean it's all Intuitive math, after playing a while you just know in each spot whether you have enough odds or equity to justify your action. No actual calculations need to be done.


The minraise out of the SB is always nutted. That being said this is an easy auto jam pre flop by you with barely 15 -20bb, in high stakes tourneys this would be an open and if 3 bet it's a 4 bet jam.

Also better to post the stacks and raises in bb's.

I also feel like dying but it's not relate to poker.

If it makes you feel better you were probably going to bust at the final two tables anyway.

Clubs and a 1 card straight get there, V doesn't have bluffs here especially for this sizing, can't imagine us being good unless V floated with random overs ( but would expect river bluff to be larger. Can't imagine we win this at showdown much

Pre is too small given straddle 15-20 min especially with a small pair

Some give a weekly discount as well. So check what it shows for 7 days. Also turo notoriously is a nightmare should anything happen mechanically or accident wise and many who rent their cars try to scam the renters after the fact w false fees etc. the point of using turo for me is a major price difference, like $25 a day or less which is how it was when it started. They are not equal to major car rental companies, which offer help and coverage if anything happens

Easy to do with a 7 dollar rake πŸ˜‚

Tons of losers are actually trying to play right, most of the losers actually think they are good.

Fish would go broke way quicker over defending

Most traditional rental car companies easily rent for $35 a day

Anyone trusting pharma or govt w their health is a brainwashed clown lacking in critical thinking skills

Admitted in front of Congress social distancing, masks, gain of function, look it up vax tard

The millions with myocarditis and blood clots + recalled vaccines & fauci admitted he lied about everything still wasn't enough to reverse your state sponsored brainwashing πŸ˜‚. Literal fucking 🀑

Stack sizes on river would assume no fold equity. If they were both $400+ deep on river v can have ah bluffs from a competent reg

One liner to a straight with a possible flush and you bet call off on river. Villain has zero bluffs and you beat zero value.

Also not sure why we are donk leading instead of check raising flop

As played turn sizing is terrible we should be over betting big on this texture and charging his str8 and flush draws