How do you stop over eating naturally

I (15) have been diagnosed with ADD recently. And have been trying to control my eating. I try to eat high protein/ high in fiber but I am constantly hungry. I realized that my food portions are 5x bigger than most girls and boys my age and don’t know how to control it . Any advice

I do cook for myself most days. Because i leave before my mom for school and come back way later. I’m also very picky with my food( I find the texture of most meat disgusting) do dinner is also on me. I now only eat according to a schedule ( breakfast, lunch , dinner ) , before I would constantly snack out of boredom. I’m recently diagnosed and my parents are scared of medication and are more on board of going with a natural herbal medicine route . So I’m currently looking into that. Thank you for the advice

I use a calorie tracker app

How do i lose weight with adhd ?Diet & Exercise

I’m 15, female. 162cm and 68kg. I have been trying to lose weight but I can’t seem to find the right diet. I exercise 3/4 times per week( dance practice). I tried calorie counting , high protein but none work. I’m always starving at the end of the day because of my big appetite. What do you guys recommend? (I don’t take any medication.)

How do I stop picking at my skin ?Help

I have been picking at my skin since around 7-8 when I first started seeing pimples on my body. ( not very big ones, only noticeable when touching my skin). Overtime when I started puberty I saw more acne . Less than the average person but I still popped every single one. After some time I had popped every pimple on my skin and new ones had not started to form yet so I started squeezing out black heads and white heads. Sometimes even deliberately exercising more and or putting extra oils on my skin just so a pimple could form. Now I have scars going from my face down my back all the way to my thighs. My dermatologist prescribed me a cream to get rid of the scars but I still can’t stop picking at my skin creating new scars over the healed ones. How do I stop ?

I’m not fantasizing about them. I’m not that weird. This thought came into my head in 6th grade while learning about animals and pops up in my head every other month. All I need is a yes or no and I will be at peace

Honestly I should and I try but alas this thought come to me at least once a month.I tried google and all I found was that female cats scream during mating . Which gave me a bunch more questions 🫠


Lowkey dopends on where you live in Eastern Europe I would pay around 70€ max in Africa I pay half of that . Not sure about America

How do I get rid of a permanent middle part ?help

I used to be a competitive dancer and my hair was in a middle part for 90% of my life because of it . How do I get rid of my permanent middle part ? I use peppermint oil once per month and I’m working on getting rosemary water too . Also how long would it take ?


As a 15 year girl personally all that helped me like my curls was social media and seeing girl with tight curl like mine. As for hair products for a easy start all you really need is shampoo, wash out conditioner, a spray bottle and leave in conditioner, ( from my experience they can even be drug store brand) . A couple YouTube tutorials and it will slowly get better. Once she gets the hang of styling/ Likes how her hair looks . You can move on to bigger/ better brand . Like Skala, mielle….. and if she still hates her curls maybe perm it straight. It isn’t really the best option but in the end you can’t force anything on anyone.

Is being 15 and 67kg unhealthy?

I have always been a bigger kid but now i participate in sports. I have taken dance lessons 5 times a week since I was 2 but I’m still bigger than girls around me. My diet is a fair. I don’t eat fast food and try to eat as clean as possible. Most of the women in my family were 47kg till their 50s I am the odd duckling. I also have stretch marks all over my thighs. I average 3000-5000 steps per day but all I seem to do is get bigger. What am I doing wrong? Edit: I’m 162cm or 5’3. And I might have a small problem with binge eating but it’s not that severe just a snack after lunch and dinner

I did get a macro tracker and after a month I still got no results. My family and friends don’t do anything and are naturally slender

How do I keep my weight under control?

I 15f weigh 65kg-70kg and am 160cm tall. And my weight just keeps on slowly increasing and I don’t know why. I take 5 dance classes a week and stay fairly active with walking ( my school is quite far away). And I can’t seems to get it under control.Most girls/ family members around me all stayed 47kg up until their 50s when menopause happened. I don’t know what to do anymore. I constantly feel tired and crave sugar / highly salted treats. I have tried calorie counting and many workout plans but nothing is helping. What do I do ?

How do I keep my weight under control?

I 15f weigh 65kg-70kg and am 160cm tall. And my weight just keeps on slowly increasing and I don’t know why. I take 5 dance classes a week and stay fairly active with walking ( my school is quite far away). And I can’t seems to get it under control.Most girls/ family members around me all stayed 47kg up until their 50s when menopause happened. I don’t know what to do anymore. I constantly feel tired and crave sugar / highly salted treats. I have tried calorie counting and many workout plans but nothing is helping. What do I do ?


15 but I’m not sure if it counts because it was my friend