It being inside the gates doesn’t change about anything I said. Multiple things happened the same day Drake’s security got shot, like one of his stores getting vandalized, a day after NLU. Time to stop spreading irl fanfiction, lol. It’s obvious what happened was a crazy fan. Otherwise, the cops would’ve obviously made the connection you think is so clear a random Redditor could figure it out. And we probably would’ve heard something alluding to a RICO case or anything by now. But we haven’t, cause that’s not what’s happening.

Yeah that’s why XXL deleted the post

Kendrick’s the same age as him

Lol like Kendrick was created during this beef


Yeah it happened outside his house, has nothing to do with it being “revenge”, bro. That’s made up BS you’re spreading

It being anything more (what this post is about) is a theory, tf do you mean

Yes it can. Especially if they don’t give any reasons otherwise. Shouldn’t be that hard for you to believe, lol

You’re literally making stuff up on the fly. Also doesn’t change what he said, lol

Two completely different uses of AI is your best reason why? And what’s you thinking he’s more creative change about the double standards, which is what the post’s about? Nothing.

Doesn’t mean he slid in their pockets at all. Plus, you can’t compare that time to this at all, when tons of people are coming at him, NLU gets promoted with completely different genres, and Spotify doesn’t even acknowledge him breaking 100 billion streams, lol. Be serious.

Because everyone knows who he’s talking about

Damn he’s calling it straight

That’s definitely not true

Post is talking about Joe Budden’s flow


He’s living in the future

They probably won’t stop till Drake drops some new music

I thought I was going crazy thinking this, glad I’m not alone at all lol

It was about riding off the high of NLU, the biggest moment of his career (dissing Drake). So he did it again. You don’t need to BS around

The guy literally made a diss concert about Drake you can’t be saying this