I always thought the beach scene at the end of Rogue One was an incredible way to die

Either peacefully in my sleep or a gunshot to the head. I want it to be quick and not to feel anything

People who are balding but still cling to their hair. I prefer either a full head of hair or completely bald

Monkey Man. Didn't care for the movie but at one point Dev Patel has his hands restrained and he stabs a guy with a knife in his mouth

Not me, but an HR woman I used to work with told me about a Zoom interview where the interviewee's cat popped into into frame and she picked up the cat and introduced her and would not put her down throughout the interview

Drinking ice water. Recenly got a 320z water bottle and it has really made me feel healthy.

Civil War. I thought it was about what was happening in the world but was totally surprised in a good way. Plus, that Jesse Plemmons scene had me hooked!