I'd be less excited if they were coming in promising to solve everyone's problems with simplistic answers and scapegoats, which is what the likes of Reform/ UKIP, the Tories, the continental rightwingers and SNP have been doing (i.e. populism).

There’s a wonderful certainty to the SNP that sweeps aside all internal contradictions. They have declared a “climate emergency”, but they want to carry on drilling for oil. (Presumably Scottish oil is too nice to cause global warming. That’s the sort of thing that English oil would do.) Their leaders are the most moral leaders, even if a couple of them know a bit too much about the inside of a police interview room. They know that Scotland’s voters want independence even if, the time they were asked, they said they didn’t.

Ironically enough, the No True Scotsman attitude is the bedrock of indy supporters. You see it every day on this sub. Unionists? Not really Scottish. Brexit voters? Not really Scottish. Don't support SNP? Not really Scottish. Rangers supporters? Not really Scottish.

You have to wonder what will happen to all these foreign interlopers if Indy ever comes to be.

Also- there's a surprising number of conspiracy nutters in the same online ecosphere which is shared by a lot of Trumpets.

What was disgraceful was the SNP and Tories wanting to use the Gaza war to try to score political points against Labour by stoking racial division.

Their aim was to try to force Labour to vote on a motion containing a controversial clause that would mean they either got accused of antisemitism or islamophobia, and then to hop around calling them 'pro genocide' and other Facebook level shite. As it turned out, they voted through a ceasefire motion that was much better written and without the unhelpfully divisive wording.

Now they're throwing a fit about abuse of parliamentary convention because their own attempt to abuse parliamentary convention didn't work out. The key difference is the greater good was served by passing a motion that didn't include unnecessarily divisive rhetoric making accusations of war crimes before they've been proven.

Still, nice to see the SNP and Tories working together, like they did when they brought Thatcher to power.

There's a lot of Trumpist vibes with some SNP supporters. Who would have thought a political party based on nationalism would result in that?

Maybe some sort of advent calendar setup, with each MP instead of a day. Then give yourself diabetes on election night.

Yep. Populism finds roots in a certain percentage of any population.

Sorry, don't like to be one of those wankers that gets other people to do their work for them...

Just found this https://www.gov.scot/publications/hate-crime-public-order-scotland-act-2021-information-note/pages/4/

Has anyone got a link to a decent unbiased summary? Or the actual bill if it's fairly readable (am curious, but not to the point of wading through loads of legalese)?

Well, when you realise that 'Tory' has for many just become code for 'English'...


UK comes a lot lower in the list than I thought it would. Sweden at no. 12, rubbing shoulders with the likes of Russia and UAE.