Absolutely not, also when you’re stimming you have way more eggs than normal, you would risk not only a twin, but a many multiple pregnancy which is super high risk. Not to mention the risk of ovarian torsion.

I have to say although Delta has a good product their loyalty tiers suck, and United’s loyalty tiers are much better. You automatically get extra legroom with United gold, with Delta you’re still waiting to see if you get a complimentary upgrade. Definitely better if you need the legroom to go United.

Ultimately the correct answer is to just stick with whichever airline has the hub closest to you.

There is never a justification for your partner laying hands on you like this. Stop making excuses and leave. This is not okay. Never.

Just want to let you know that pessimism doesn’t impact your fertility. It’s okay to have whatever feelings you’re having.

The fact that he’s an MD and convinced you that IUDs are dangerous is a huge red flag that he’s trying to control you. This is wild.

Also, it’s always weird when a 35 yr old hits it off with a 21 yr old.

That actually probably played in his favor. There’s some emerging evidence that boys do better starting school a year later than girls.

Lying to your kids is a sure fire way to not have a relationship with them as adults.

Wait, what crimes did Squidward commit? I must’ve missed that episode.

I’ve posted this before, probably more eloquently said, but everyone’s universe begins and ends at their own navel. They don’t understand because they don’t have to. It’s not part of their world. Same reason women will be staunchly opposed to abortion right until they need one.

First things first - realize that any time you have sex without contraceptives you are trying to get pregnant. Yes, you’re already in this situation, but as you’re trying to get yourselves in a better position don’t dig the hole deeper and get pregnant again after this one arrives! (Women can get pregnant while breastfeeding and even before their period returns postpartum)

Second, highly recommend the paralegal track if you’re interested in law, you’ll learn very quickly whether you’re actually interested in being a lawyer.

The most important (expensive) things will be housing, childcare & insurance - probably in that order. You should already be getting on waitlists for daycare if you won’t have a parent providing full time care.

I mean, why did you have a kid with him when you guys aren’t on the same page at all? Guess it doesn’t matter at this point.

You need to make plans for how you’re going to manage as a single parent. I would expect zero participation from this person.

Well, everyone in politics is bought out by big money interests, it’s not even worth pointing out because it applies to everyone.

This too shall pass!

A tip that worked for me: instead of giving just formula to supplement, do a mix of formula and pumped milk. It helped get me through a couple hard times early on.

It’s a ploy. Stretch marks are primarily determined by your genes. You’ll either have them or you won’t. None of the creams are proven effective.

Again, the problem is that Democrats keep trying to play by the rules while republicans say F this. Trump got an illegitimate appointment to the SC which screwed all of us. And RBG should’ve retired in Obama’s first term.

The Democrats haven’t had a majority in congress since Obama’s first term if I’m not mistaken. And the Republicans have for many years now simply refused to meet anywhere in the middle on anything meaningful.

However saying “it’s a known carcinogen therefore it’s bad” is an absolutely batshit argument. Sunlight is a known carcinogen. However avoiding it is also really harmful to your health.

Literally the headline for this post should be “Have you heard of moderation”

I shave from my knees down because I like to. I haven’t shaved above the knee since college or possibly before then. I am blonde and you can’t see the hair on my thighs anyway.

You assume wrong. Brand new car, got slammed on the side by some jackass pulling out of a parking lot onto the main road. Granted, it was several weeks to get my body shop appointment through the dealership, but I called within the first week and got everything lined up. And had to deal with the other guy’s lapsed insurance in the meantime.

No - not borrow a membership card - that’s against policy and could lose them their membership. Just get a gift card.

Depending on where you live this may or may not be an option. In big cities cops usually won’t come for an accident unless there are injuries.

Potatoes do well when they don’t have abundant nutrients. Don’t try and make them comfortable like other plants.

You can download maps for the areas you plan to be. Then you don’t have to use your data.