Lo Pan really was peak incel long before we ever used the word. Even funnier when he giggles like an excited school girl as he's becoming mortal

"2000 years and you can't find one broad to fit the bill? Come on Dave, you must be doing something seriously wrong."

It was cheesy even for 1986, but damn it was fun and full of memorable lines

:Powerslave: Iron Maiden :Powerslave:

More like autoincorrect, phone was either having a stroke or high as hell

:Powerslave: Iron Maiden :Powerslave:

It's shocking how many albums he made yet only a handful get any attention. Man was constantly working on something

:Powerslave: Iron Maiden :Powerslave:

Anyone that spells music as ms37ic doesn't have a soul. But seriously how these people can't like Maiden is beyond me. Absolute legends

:Powerslave: Iron Maiden :Powerslave:

See that's what I love about Power Metal. I've had enough darkness, despair, angst, anger, etc in my life. Sometimes what I need is something more fun, empowering, invigorating. There's always the other stuff I can turn to if I need aggression now and then

:Powerslave: Iron Maiden :Powerslave:

I mean, you basically want traditional or preferably power metal. It's my natural medication for depression and shit. Hard to be in a bad mood with that

Oh what the hell... pizza is honorary lasagna but I get dragged when I insist that pizza is an open faced sandwich? Sheeeeeesh

We were doing that back then too. The amount of late elementary to middle school kids that could recite most if not all of that movie was insane. We didn't always get what everything was about but boy we knew the words

"A naked blonde walks into a bar, with a poodle under one arm, and a two foot salami under the other. She lays the poodle on the table. Bartender says, "I suppose you won't be needing a drink." The naked lady says...


You can hear this on numerous New Wave albums also. Philip Oakey and Giorgio Moroder (most famous for Together In Electric Dreams), that amp is all over that album. Ultravox's album U-Vox. That amp got around back then.

:Powerslave: Iron Maiden :Powerslave:

Personally I wish they'd stayed more to this style instead of the weird direction they went. So haunting, crushing and a sinister agonized vibe in Lee's voice... Something about the vocal direction later just felt goofy

:Powerslave: Iron Maiden :Powerslave:

Hot take is right. BUT I will take Against over St Anger any day, so there is that

Do your calisthenics as HIIT and kill two birds with one stone. Or just add in any other HIIT routine.

I dunno, maybe it was just my dad and uncles, and their friends. I was a kid so didn't really get it at the time, but there was a general overlap between those discussions and the amount of beer cans stacked on their card table.

Most of the nostalgia was for the music and movies. TBF the nostalgia really hit towards the mid to late 90s after grunge/alternative was popular and all the classic bands were either gone or tried to change to stay relevant and failing spectacularly. Movies didn't feel the same, restaurants were changing their menus. Not being in the Cold War anymore was nice. But a lot of people I knew had a general consensus that while times were changing, and some for the better, it felt darker and dirtier for some reason. It's like the 80s was some weird fever dream and we woke up to a gritty Tarantino movie of a decade post 94ish