I was initially swayed to the Pineapple cause by Hawaiian Burgers, which were far nicer than I expected.

Plus i'm pretty sure adding a slice of pineapple to a burger makes it a health food.

I can't even seem to find a photo of my candidate online. Nothing but a generic page with no specific details.

All the other candidates for my area including the independent with just 100 votes I can find a fair amount of info including a photo.

His name is down for local elections in the past at least.

After Hours (1985)

Night of the Living Dead (1968)

The Warriors (1979)

Pineapple is very underrated savoury accompaniment.

/ducks for cover

The most democratic system would be direct democracy, where every citizen gets to vote on every issue. It is do-able with todays communications technology.

The problem is that it needs people to be experts on every issue & when this system has been tried it has a habit of the people making catastrophic decisions at the behest of persuasive demagogues.

Just because something is "more democratic" doesn't mean it's a better system.

Our current system has generally served use well over more than a century, ensuring stability where many others have gone down in flames.

IMO the least biased news sources were the now sadly defunct Ceefax & Teletext.

With the limited space of three short paragraphs all they could do was report the facts with next to no spin.

I'm not sure I would call ITV & Sky Left Wing though. BBC is debateable.

Net Migration is projected to decline due to the end of Hong Kong/Ukraine/Afghan schemes & some recent policies put in place by the Tories.


The Last Labour government in the early 2000s' dealt with higher numbers of asylum seekers with a third of the successful application rate on a far lower budget with next to no media fuss-


Despite Labour having a better record on asylum than the Conservatives they are still seen by some as a party that is "soft" on immigration. If net immigration falls as predicted I very much doubt it will be seen as any less of an issue by those who focus on it.

I did answer & how is that an autocorrect? If you meant votes that has a different number of letters & only shares one of them.

I can only guess it's a subconcious thing.

You're right.

With modern communications technology we could have direct democracy. Every citizen could have a say on every issue, we could ditch representatives & have a truly fair Political system.

The problem is this would likely fail horribly. It would require everyone to be an expert in a range of very complex, plus when these systems have been tried they've had a tendency for the people to be persuaded by demagogues to make incredibly poor decisions.

Democracy isn't just about "fairness" which can be rather subjective, there's many other concerns as well. Our current system has worked very well over it's existence, ensuring stability whilst many other political systems have crashed & burned.

He's very in favour of British traditions except the ones that disadvantage him.

On the other hand I don't think i've ever heard him argue that Clinton should have been president over Trump in 2016 just because she got more votes.

After yesterdays election they have a strong tendency to be rural & older.

They're more visible as the rural constituencies tend to be larger, in terms of seat numbers the cartogram map here displays it better-


The Tories know immigration is needed for a country with an ageing population but also know many of their voters are anti-immigration.

So they copied the Australian strategy of making a big fuss about cracking down on asylum seekers to distract their voters, while increasing the amount of legal immigration to record numbers. Unfortunately for them they were too incompetent to even manage the crackdown on asylum seekers.

Labour were dealing with higher numbers of asylum seekers 20 years ago with a third of the acceptance rate, on a far smaller budget, with no media fuss, but they're seen as the "soft" on immigration party,

So far they have 4,114,287 votes, the UK has a population of 67,964,140. So they have the support of 6.05% of the people.

To be fair, for a Russian asset Boris Johnson was very keen in supporting Ukraine against the Russian invasion.

You mean the Northern Ireland assembly which has been suspended & non-functional on five separate occasions covering years due to disagreements between the parties?


Yes, I believe the independent boundary commission isn't corrupt & is not deliberately gerrymandering the vote in the Conservatives favour.

My main reason for believing this is that there is no evidence for it. Why would I believe something with no evidence?

Considering their methodology for determining seat boundaries is public knowledge & is open for all to see i'm curious how this gerrymandering would take place?

The clue is the term "independent".

I've very rarely heard any politicians complain about boundary commission, if it were some sort of conspiracy I would have thought at the least the parties that are hurt by it would complain.

2019 was a big win for the Tories but this loss is unprecedented.

Brexit was a largely popularist policy & these popularist voters are fickle, always willing to chase the next shiny thing, never satisfied when they get what they want.

Seems unlikely to me, with Labour in the past few decades splitting has only been centrist MPs' leaving while out of office. Defections are very rare for a winning party.

It's true the situation is poor but with their mandate Labour can be less concerned with optics.

Relating to Reform I keep on thinking that the far right will actually obtain power somewhere so their sheer economic illiteracy will be on display (Brexit & Truss' budget didn't seem to highlight it enough to some people!). However even where it happens, such as Italy, they don't even attempt to follow through on their promises.

In any case their base of geriatric voters & a single frontman is hardly a stable one.

Well that's what happens when people get sold lies like Brexit or liars like Johnson & Truss over the course of years.

Fortunately now we have an adult government with an absolutely huge mandate to govern rather than some of the propagandists we've seen over the last few years.

It's a fantastic feeling.