I'm not defending her at all, but I think most of these people have no idea what they're doing. I've been voting yes on these increases through multiple mayors. Not one of them has been successful, so I'm done voting yes on these.

Wish I could upvote this more than once

I’ve literally voted yes on every homelessness initiative I’ve seen on a ballot. Not anymore. They’ve been giving billions upon billions of dollars and done so little. We have to show these politicians if they can’t actually make changes we won’t give them money

I’m honestly asking, is it bullshit? What does the data say? Why do you say it’s bullshit?

This x100000. I have been to 4 games there. It’s the worst stadium I’ve ever been too, it’s shocking it’s next gen and there’s literally nothing in the area. The hotels are shit, the bars are non existent and there’s no shade for 5 square miles.

Yeah I’m feeling good about it! Broke 90 for the first time last month. Now a bad round is a 95-96. Shot a 41 on the back 9 of a par 72 course last week. Just need to string them together

I have a few buddies that are not Korean, but used the brokers to get tee times.

same. I started golfing a year ago. I play a ton, have taken 10+ lessons and I'm only down to a 21 handicap. I'd say I'm better than 60% of the people I get grouped up with

There are definitely still people manipulating the system but it's getting better

have 18k shares. Been holding for years and years, cost basis at 1.40. Sold enough to cover my original investment this morning. Fine with holding for the next 18-24 months because I seriously think this goes to $12+. Feels fucking awesome

From what i can gather reading all the confusing releases from this company, they needed a smaller loan to secure a larger one. So this could be the CEO putting that money up as a sort of collateral to then secure the loan needed for clarksville

What if Gary Anderson made the field goal What if Brett Favre didn’t get head hunted

This. OR valet at the hotel Roosevelt and walk out the front door to Hollywood blvd. then have a drink and a snack in a beautiful, legendary spot after your movie

Is this what it means when people say to push off the ground?

have you received your key yet? I haven't gotten mine. But was able to order a key and the box.

My pro move is this: When on vacay I of course need to golf at least once. So I bring her with, she drives the cart, has a snack, enjoys the outdoors. For nine holes(she's bored by 7 but whatever). I then drop her in the parking lot at the turn, she goes to the spa where I've setup a massage. I golf the next 9 solo, hit the 19th hole and she comes and swoops me. Honestly, win win and she loves it. Plus I have a dd to bring me home lol