I want the brig and it can be somewhat affordable for strymon

Sounds right. Most of my experiences are great there (especially the food) but recently we got the sporadic plates coming out with one being pretty slow/late. I honestly dont mind that until I notice it, like wheres the so n so

Oh so how is just the belle into OCD? This was my plan. I have an old marshall bb2 into it but I want that cleaner barely breaking belle sound as a stand alone and I think it will work nice stacking with ocd. Glad to be able to ask someone doing same

I like modern market for salads, fast casual myself

Yes exactly. I thought it was nuts you could have 2 bodies buried in yard with a direct connection and still not get charged. I mean she plead for 15 yrs but is getting out like now. Messed up

Ya I like it but its not top tier horror movie for me. Be fun to do a favorite Stephen King horror movie list (just to keep shawshank out)

So awesome. That really showed how amazing Paul was as a songwriter. I mean they are all amazing in their own way. He seemed to be the glue a lot of times.

Came here to say Snarfs. Quality ingredients for a sandwich place and the toasted bread for the meatball is great

Love their sandwiches and I forgot about their meatball. Been a while.

I just listened to a podcast about a lady in Florida who was an unofficial caretaker for elderly. Was stealing their money and both bodies found buried in her yard. Not enough evidence to even attempt a trial because bodies decomposed too long so they couldn’t gather critical evidence. Was right after Casey Anthony case so DA couldn’t take another case with no solid evidence even though they knew who it was. Just sucks for the victims close ones. Sorry for your loss hopefully they find some justice

And the snowtown dummies didnt use the correct acid so the bodies were very slowly decomposing. Such a crazy story with so many people involved

They used to put the hot pepper jar out at some places in Philly to just top your sandwich. Times changin. Lunch is 15-20 to eat out for something half decent, brutal

What. No this country is not ready to vote a female president into office. They are rampantly taking away their rights. I think people underestimate old fashioned cultural bs that spans many communities. That was it in that election along with a lot of these other things but that was a big part of it. Apathy won the day largely because of that and dnc imo. All the stuff about her terrible campaign are plenty true. Sexism is alive and well, i mean we dont have to look far at the proud racists everywhere as any indication

Oh ya gorgeous guitar and so distinctive. I cant believe Ive scrolled this far and no mention of BB Kings Lucille. Maybe the most famous named guitar ever.

Food science is everywhere. They dont have to often list all the chemicals used in a flavoring etc and just list that single name. Fast Food Nation book had a great excerpt all about it. Push for more choices and natural foods is real but the artificial world is still going strong and crosses over plenty. The parameters for organic are extremely loose

No dark knight. I always forget he did batman begins so not first batman. That’s how much i care about Batman movies

Yes this is it. And they will throw any sense of country down the toilet to get to those ends. At the same time pretending to be patriotic while projecting. Worst of all none of this defensive posturing matters to them. They havent felt shame or had anyone resign for shi..y behavior in decades.

Ya but the bigger issue is theyve food scienced every ingredient with corn syrup and artificial crap to kill everything that was good and cheap. Every cereal now tastes like a bad version of its previous self as an example. Textures change like they become a cheaper ripoff of what they used to be

I just dont ever want to rewatch his films. Interstellar and oppenheimer are awesome imo and first dark knight. Thats it

Blount was my favorite. He worked the 4 minute offense to perfection. Going up big and then pounding it home. Followed by Robinson at a close second

This sounds right. People get carried away thinking cranking reverb gets there. Youll just get a muddy reverb mess a lot of times. Read enough surfguitar101 threads and trying different options. Theres also a difference between live sound and bedroom fun as we all know. Need it to cut a bit in mix with enough presence still. I ended up with a Topanga for getting it when I need it. Those surfeybears are awesome but big and pricey

Ya right your $400 pedal has to have the best drip

I think he’s been playing the same set since i saw him im the late 80s. Just generic run through songs. However, I will say he influenced me to get a prs back then. In the 80s we were discovering how cool 70s Santana was, legend. I like to pretend it was cooler then lol, the prs. That guitar was rock solid and I played it for long time. Traded it in a bunch of years ago