Jesus Christie. I totally get Catholics now.

Folks truly believe it's really the Illuminati or QAnon who are running the country. Me? I think it's probably a cabal of like three Orange cats with about a half-brain cell between them all.

I think you're right. It looks like a sherbet.

Organically sourced Rorschach Inkblot Test?

Maybe I'm overthinking this.

I'm a bit surprised he still has his left ear, though. /s

(Edit: I just checked the picture again and I'm not actually sure he does!)

Pun a gun against his head, punned the trigger, now he's dead

Looks like urine-town. Or maybe urin-ation.

Do I win a prize or something for being the first to spot that?

The Amazon equivalent of the blue screen of death.

Feels like there's enough of this going on for a new sub, r/IdiotsInGWagons.

He's just taking a break from his loss prevention shift. That's all.

We laughed pretty hard at this. It torus up.

I dunno. I'd say there's some goodest in there. Or maybe bestest boi. With a little bit of awesomeness.

You forgot to describe the part where you had to replace your underpants. But I think that's implied due to the situation.

Thanks. Did I mention that I'm into heavy metal?

He must have been really downbeat when the police arrested him.

That sounds like a Fanta-sy.

Seems like he's coming out of his shell.

“What Song Is It You Wanna Hear?”


You must be doing yoga. He's recommending the Bidalasana (cat pose).