The meek in fact will inherit the earth.. do you know what has to happen for you inherit something?

They are both taller in the bottom image. Uncomfortably obvious once you see it.

Also there's a thumb in the bottom image.

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

Okay so it looks like you were condensing.

The point of the game is expanding.

Hope this helps.

To be fair.. If the weird guy at the party kept getting in your photos you'd crop him out too. 😆

Could always crop and layer in post? Used to do that in XSi in 2010

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

"unless they're going for a full map victory? I ain't gotta worry about shit" - Numibia

"It's a long walk, unless they're completion nerds? We won't see shit." - Amazonians

"It's like a year to cross one of my provinces! With hoplites 😂 who genuinely cares enough to waste that time?" - Dacia

"My own king forgets about me." - that one fucking top corner of the map Parthian city.

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

I had been doing this for a long time without knowing it was a thing. I just wanted that extra layer of morale when they ended up in the scrum since it's an instant buff to counteract the "concerned about the number of enemies" status I usually send my cavalry into. Lol

Very rare I'll loose a general unless the battle itself is a loss to begin with. But if they die on a charge against enemies they should have crushed? Well.. I don't count that as a loss. I count that as pruning the bloodline. Lol

Time picks based not on quality but how much they affected the news that given year.

If I remember correctly, that cover was supposed to go to Osama Bin Laden but they chickened out. Too many people see the Time cover as "this person is worthy of worship" which is the opposite of what it's about. It's who they believed had a stronger influence on history and who represented either the year or the century the most.

Although they usually soft pitch their choices for public consumption. Einstein instead of Hitler for person of the century for example. To be fair.. Einstein made some serious contributions. But the other fella kind of altered the entire world, first for the worse but in countering his influence, for the better.

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

Couldn't agree more.

For Numidian playthroughs the last thing I want to do is defend a city with javs but early game it's that or javelin cavalry, which are useless for holding ground in a siege. I would almost rather peasants honestly, if it wasn't for the shield, ranged attack and the fact the javs can form a line and the peasants just hang out in a literal blob and run away as soon as someone farts in their direction. Lol

There's nothing quite like the satisfaction of disbanding the javelin troops in a city after building an archer to replace it.

Churchill lookin like an insufferable bastard even at that age. Lol

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

He looks like someone just tore the wax off his chest hair.

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

What no camels? That seems racist.. can you be a camel racist?

I'll never understand putting something like this in your backyard without making a section deep enough to soak old bones in. Lol

Don't get me wrong. Cool as hell. But a couple feet deeper and wider in that larger sections you'd have had a waterfall pool for relaxing in.

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

Lol siwa is generally a lost cause on any difficulty above easy.

You can march the garrison from Siwa to Cyrene and take it from the rebels. Saves dealing with Egypt. Kick the taxes up to max and they'll rebel and create a buffer city between you and Egypt as well.

This is honestly impressive as f***.

Mind you the rebar wasn't connected to anything. The mix is way off for the cement but just the audacity to boil oil then use the gasoline to start the fire? Hahaha

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

Honestly I don't think I've ever managed to get that many kills with archers ever lol

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

Probably my favorite version of Rome the play, for the uniqueness of the city management. Color is tight too.

Numidian long campaign victory :misc_rtw_community:

How hard Egypt hits Selucids always depends where else they are entangled.

Parthia will hit you regardless for the hanging gardens and Arminia will come for you as well. There is like four key points of contact with enemy forces you'll need to worry about early game. Your two southern cities. And your two most easterly cities.

Beef them up with wall upgrades as they're available and keep a standing army inside the walls.

Early game for Selucids is really just picking which direction you'll move. Most people prefer taking Egypt right off.

I prefer hitting the rebel city in the west first. That's an easy fight. Don't forget that one boat you start with, it will get attacked early so move it before that. Sending it to a harbor where you can use it to take the most profitable wonder in the game, which just so happens to be right next to the rebel city you took. What I'm saying is, beef up security to about half a full garrison in your southern and western cities, beef up your walls in those cities. And instead of pushing into Parthia, Egypt or Arminia.. mess up the Greek cities before the Brutii show up. You don't have much of a ranged option early game, so you'll need to have phalanx numbers to compensate for that.

Heading for Greece is generally the easier route for conquest because of the bonuses you get economically and population happiness wise.

It's probably a hard thing to separate yourself from in the debate? Like unpacking a religious belief? If you were indoctrinated your entire life to believe one way was the "right" way? There is a whole massive deconstruction you have to do yourself, before you can actually process the topic outside of the propaganda and societal acceptance.

The diehards for gun ownership and "shoot to kill" in the event of its usage. Aren't individuals who can debate the topic. They still exist fully within the construct. Those of us outside looking in on those individuals, can't just give them the answers we've come too through deconstruction. They can't make that leap without having at least taken some steps in that direction beforehand.

That being said, do I think he's right? Yes, I do. Do I think it will fall on deaf ears? Not entirely. Do I think the individuals who are most likely to kill another human being with a gun, will hear that plea and find some level of rationality in it? No, I do not.

This is a "babysteps" conversation. Not a single rational leap.

I'm annoyed he used zip ties for the fan but other than that?

It's really not bad at all. Definitely works and works better than a normal fan would.

66°f is what -30 divided by 2.. 18°c that's pretty great if it's 35°c (100°f) outside

The thumb makes it hard to be anything but the right hand.. but seriously.. is that a ganglion cyst?