This is a technical issue with how jagex stores account info. Unfortunately, to allow logging in to both games would need a full ground-up rebuild of the account database and login servers

one other thing about your spell attacks.
if you looks at your character sheet (and those of the companions), you will see 3 different values for AC.
'AC', 'touch AC', and 'flatfooted AC'.
spells (generally) target touch AC, which is usually significantly lower than the 'full' AC that warriors try to hit

They can take a single level in Monk.

Unarmored defence of Dex+Wis, and a d4 finesse unarmed strike, dualwielded (so a bonus action 2nd attack)

I see you have a 12 in Dex.

Thus was a mistake, since pathfinder wizards use dexterity for spell attacks, not intelligence.

Also, while combat casting sounds great on paper, it really isnt.

It helps you when you want to cast a spell when you are in melee. But you dont want to be in melee. If that happens, you want to gtfo You have 6 HP/level and an armor class of like 11. Your own valery had a 2/3 chance if flat-out killing you in one hit. And her offence is nothing special.

You would want 'precise shot'instead to make your spells (and crossbow) more likely to hit the enemy while your melees are whacking them

Getting only 1 set is weird. But you should be able to just ask extra keys from your landlord (although he might ask for a deposit). Indeed, for neighbours, but what if you get into a relationship and that person moves in; they'd need a key too.

Liegen is acceptabel als de andere persoon geen 'recht' heeft op de waarheid.

Als het ze geen klap aangaat wat de waarheid is mag je uit je nek lullen

Two things that are severely missing for this: 1) a 'blueprint save' where you can save a ship without actually building (and paying) it, if you need to earn a bit more money ingame, or run out of IRL time and need to close the game with an invalid design (for example: i didnt attach the legs yet)

2) the abity to buy an "empty slot" for making custom ships. When i want to start from scratch without throwing away the starter (for nostalgic reasons), then im forced to buy a ship for the express purpose of scrapping it. That just feels wrong.

If im starting from zero for a fully custom ship; let me start from zero

Make a small dorm for 2 people on ship 2, and send 4 people over permanently (for 4 duty shifts).

Or indeed, make a single giant ship. Keep the dorm relatively close to the bridge, and make sure your PD has a good spread and coverage

6'6" | 198 cm

There isnt one.

In the eurozone, people arent that fixated on height.

Sure, height gets embellished be a few centimeters (the equivalent of an inch), but not to meet some societal "minimum", it is done purely to look 'better'overall.

If anything i guess the 'height to be' would be 190. Just over 6'2

300 permaand aan boodschappen? Dat moet heel goed te doen zijn. Ik die het met 200 (ish) zonder echt moeite te doen.

Grootste tip: huismerken! Die zijn net zo goed als de A merken, maar veel goedkoper.

Ik heb 2 liter 'OK' cola bij de plus voor de prijs van zo'n 0.5 autoflesje Coca Cola. Als je dit net alles doet ben je echt enorm veel minder kwijt

The most dangerous one first. Usually spellcasters (wizards, sorcerers, warlocks), since fireballs hurt.

Usually, you'd disadvantage the melee guys with something like grease, then get rid ofbthe casters, followed by the healers.

Even though barbarians usually deal the most damage to a target, they only target 1 of your guys at a time, so they are low priority, unless it is near the end of a 'day' and you are low on health

Ene paar tientjes voor als er een pinstoring is inderdaad. Of voor als ik ergens op de markt sta en nie tkan pinnen

You are buying the not-in-demand bits indeed.

Teimmed masterwork has been dethroned, people use robes of havoc nowadays, or standard masterwork when you are on a budget.

Dracolich has the same deal as tectonic: no reason to use the standard, people to straight to elite

Hexhunter, comparable deal: it just doesnt work on enough bosses. Use a noxious pongbow as a stepping stone to the seren godbow and the bow of the last guardian

Zwaar kut maar dit gebeurd.

En vaak ook, niks om boos over te worden

Niet Is sluit me op in een kamer met airco en hoop dat het weer snel weer een beetje redelijk word

Flight invalidates a lot of challenges: Broken bridge over a chasm? Fly. Acid on yhe floor? Fly. Pressure-based traps? Fly. Need to scale a vertical wall/cliff? Nah, i'll just fly.

Having it as a spell is one thing, since it takes resources (spell slots). Having a fly speed means you can just do it, all day

6'6" | 198 cm

Bro, even in the netherlands, you are looking at less than 10% there. You might want to be a bit less picky.

I understand hacing a preferencez that is all good, but be a bit realistic

Indeed. Flavor is anything that makes a character unique without impacting gameplay (trough numbers).

This can reach from having your studded armor studs being bone instead of metal, trough your tieflings fingers being inverted (palms outside), to a magic coin that hovers around your hand when you play with it.

Its the little things that matter.

At one point, i had a rogue that was always making small statues out of wood, and attached the 2 moce recent ones to the hilts of his shortswords. Harmless, but some nice roleplay

This is for a crew of 10.

My current endgame ship has between 20 and 30 people on it (depending on the prisoners), and 6 to 7 generators do the trick.

It sounds like you just have your generators all together. You want to spread them out, since distance to the generator matters: The further away, the lower the base oxigen and the slower the restore.

Busy areas (habs, industry) want a generator close by. Areas almost noone visits (the solar panel room, your construction pod bay) can be far away from them since almost no O2 gets used there

It depends on the check and the situation.

When it comes to pushing a boulder without pressure; there is no reason to let everyone in the team try, even multiple times.

But when it comes to, say, disarming a trap it is easy to give a reason like "the mechanism is now locked up, you broke it". Or even "well, looks like you triggered it"

I usually have 5 to 6 aacross the ship near endgame.

I can do with half of them, but this is for redundancy, closed zones, and local peaks.

For example; in my habitation (dorms and mess hall), a lot of people will be at the same place at the same time, for a long time. So that area gets its own extea generator to keep up with local demand.

The cargo bay has a set (typically turned off), since i also have my airlocks there. I want to be able to vent the entire thing when boarders get in. A separate generator there makes it possible to refill the o2 before opening vents again...

Both the infustry blocks have a scrubber in case of fire, and the non-toxic one also has a generator for the same reason as the hab.

With all the local demand generators in place, in have almost double capacity naturally, so i only need one or 2 more in the core corridor

How about actualy doing what they claim in the ads: Be a convenient and affordable option, a competitor to the car.

As it stands, i need to travel to Brussels for the train to be a viable option. Any closer and the car is both faster and cheaper (and thst is me travelling alone, for groups there is no way)

Zen archers are great. They get a lot of the important bow feats for free, and also have a lot of attacks.

Then there js more goodies like getting Wisdom to attacks (instead of Dex), and also Wis to AC as a bonus (from monk), and you keep unarmed strike to slap those that get too close.

Slap on a level of 'empeyreal' sorcerer to get mage armor and hurricane bow, as wel as qualifying for 'arcane archer'if you want