You can wait because there’s a shit ton. NWO. Evolution. DX………

You’d be an idiot not to take the man’s advice, regardless of what you think of him personally

As a big guy myself, I’d like to know this, too, please

It was cartoonish how they turned around and tried to escape

I want to see what you’re covering.

Funny, you would think that’s SF’s gimmick

I used to hear people say they quit the game and I would scoff. I get it now, I stopped cold turkey. My mood has improved and I love gaming again

That spooky đź’© is instant fast forward material.

Wow. Vince came back for this, huh?

Ugh. I hate these kinds of angles

It’s more like she didn’t have time to process that there’s a loose bull headed to her

Isn’t this the allure of this kind of event? The danger these animals posses?

It’s not. If it went away it wouldn’t affect the product.