Capital fitness has a women’s lifting group and body building/power lifting/Olympic equipment. 

We are. That’s the entire point of finding someone who can actually beat him. 

We didn’t share - personal vehicle use was the priority. It still absolutely is under Satya, by a wide margin, we just have a tiny bit of actual progress for bus users. Even this meager progress is breaking people’s brains… I don’t have any sympathy. 

When it’s just as easy to get around this city by bus as it is by car we’ll call it even. 

Oh please - You just want your car life elevated above folks who walk, bus, bike, or use other forms of transportation. You think your use of the road should be the primary use, and anything that threatens that feels like oppression or something. 


More lanes > traffic temporarily improves > more people design their lives around cars and commutes because it’s easy > more people drive > drivers demand more lanes. 

Repeat the cycle. But it won’t work forever with a growing city, we’ll need to get people off cars. Or at least a good chunk of them. 

Private vehicle use isn’t a municipal operation. Don’t drive if you want to save the environment… that’s got nothin to do with the city. Their job is safe roads. 

We’re talking about reducing speed limits. Private vehicles sitting in traffic has nothing to do with municipal operations. And the speed limit reductions have a clearly stated goal… pedestrian and driver safety.  

Can you show me where the city said the lower speed limits were for the environment?

Can’t design your whole life around cars and then complain when the world doesn’t cater to your needs. 

Weird straw man… As a pedestrian it’s done wonders for slowing people down on east wash. It was REALLY BAD for years. Roads aren’t only for driving and there are other considerations besides your car. 

Extremely severe heat island? We have a nice green park and tree lined streets with office and apartments where formerly there was an abandoned rail yard, abandoned car dealerships, and abandoned paint factory, and an MG&E staging area. 

I agree - the city currently excludes “luxury” housing from receiving TIF, which they define as anything over market rate, which would exclude any new condo development. 

Even then though TIF is a pretty meager tool. I think the main issue for developers right now is they can’t get a loan for condos. 

You’re not providing any statists or facts, just anecdotal experience from your travels and vibes. 

The city is very clear they would love to see condos but nobody is building them. 

I’d also love to see more condos but I’m unaware of any levers the city has to make that happen. 

It’s not that it’s short sighted… it’s just not our call to make. 

You haven’t been “building green” though. You been building car-dependent sprawl. 

I’m kind of glad there’s not a big giant interchange there. No doubt they would have had to eminent domain a bunch of businesses and homes. We should be putting that money into mass transit.

Fairly certain camera enforcement is illegal in Wisconsin. 

Except when it’s closed… 

I road like the beltline needs to have a shoulder for safety reasons. Debris, broken down cars, snow etc. 

Like the other person said they actively monitor it with cameras and clear before use. 

Again, the point of the piece is they feel it’s an imperative Trump is defeated and don’t believe Biden can do it. That’s not a pass… 

I don’t dislike Biden but I no longer believe he can beat Trump this year. 

Anyways it doesn’t matter what you or I think. We’re voting blue anyways. It matters what a handful of swing voters in Wisconsin and Arizona think and they are not thinking like you are. 

They editorial board has been emphatically against Trump, calling him out as unfit for office since 2016 in piece after piece. The point of calling on Biden to step aside is that they want another candidate that can defeat Trump. They don’t believe Biden can. 

You’re willfully looking at this in bad faith if you think they support Trump.