She can’t she’s trying to get more money and comforters for her kids.. she’s milking this.. the longer online the more money .. mother of the year

Shut the fuck up Nan. You’re disgusting a pathological liar.. anyone who gives her $ is just as sick .. she’s such a narcissist.. make sure you give this loser $

Looks like Tracey is heading over to Mikki.. take a look at Mikk’s last post.. this is a shit show. 3 total losers

Tracey said she paid last months rent the other day .. Nan is soo pathetic.. all she does is lie and now she’s gonna use her kids as leverage. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tracey is in on this

She’s pathetic.. and soo many people are believing her lies.. she’s crying either no tears.. she’s using her kids to collect $$$… she has money people … she’s playing u all… fuckin losers .. plus people who are helping her get money are losers with no friends. Look at their profiles .. total losers who buy friends

Tell me you’re begging for money without telling me you’re begging for money.. such a loser

Nan.. realize ur kids hate u .. no wonder u don’t have custody ..dead beat loser mom

Nana kids def want nothing to do with her ..

They are both using each other and they’re both losers .. that’s all they have in common.. ohh wait .. Nan is straight. She thought playing the bi card would help.. NOPE

2 losers married 😂😂😂 when both are fucked in the head and should be institutionalized

They are gonna play the part beg for $$$ meanwhile they’re still together

That’s the best shit I’ve ever seen 😂😂😂

2 losers .. to pathetic pathological lying pos’s… they’re “friends” better wise up and realize their using them to do the begging so they don’t look bad.. those “friends “ are just as pathetic begging for friends because in reality they have none.. keyboard warriors

Nan is a pathological liar.. she’s not even bi.. she’s playing sooo many of her “friends “ that she never met .. playing them all like a harp from hell

If ya zoom in on her nose it looks like the head of a dick 😂😂😂

Tracy put her through shit so wtf is she either her ???

😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂so true