Wiping standing up is for psychopaths

Some people don't wish to make money their god but if you have a lot of it I can see how that would be hard to understand

I can't tell if being serious or on a fun cocaine larping binge

"I also own an ecommerce agency, construction company, hvac company, plumbing company, a small chain of yoga studios, a software company, and a trading algorithm that I’ve been working on for 6 years now that can correctly price an 11000 dollar asset within 65 cents five minutes out."

That is the most absurd thing i've read all day but if it's true color me impressed lmao

At least in my case once the red veins have formed they are permanent unfortunately. There's a few places to go to get it done. It's essentially the same and pterygium removal but has risks

Question for you, I'm so tried of my red veiny eyes I want to get a surgery to get it cut out. Is that crazy as it sounds? I'm at the end of my rope though and will risk it to just have whitish eyes once more.

Also because some of this area will be removed, will it help (when it regenerates) or worsen the goblet cells? I'm guessing my goblet cells are already damaged from how red my eyes are.

Mostly yes, but then there's games like Eldin Ring where is have 150+ hours

We just have different opinions on what nice is. I like seasons and don't care for humid 90 degree weather

I agree with some parts. Austin is very good for dating and meeting cool people. Met tons of very friendly cool people. Other than that it falls fast.

It's a small city that had millions of people move in, the infrastructure does not support it. So crowded. So much traffic.

Ungodly heat 9 months out of the year. So hot that I have to stay indoors or I die. Unbearably hot.

Nature is bad if you have lived somewhere with actual good hiking. There's no actually hiking here, just walks. And most trails have homeless people living out in the trees which is weird.

Plus 99% of Texas is privately owned. There's barely any pubic land at all which is lame as hell.

It's ungodly expensive everywhere.

You have better skin than a lot of women 40 years younger than you

hyaluronic acid in a dry climate will actually suck out the moisture no? It's best used in very humid places

My eyes have these boogers every day and I can't stop it. My caruncles are always red and inflamed as well.. It's extremely interesting the anti inflammatory drug helped your eyes so much

Same exact story here, wiped out my college fund and moms savings from my grandpa who passed

This is funny, you actually think pretty people get treated worse for their looks than ugly people? Lol perfect example of pretty privilege, they don't understand reality. Also your family being shitty has nothing to do with being pretty. There are great, kind hearted people that are also attractive

Hard to say, everyone's foot is so different. For example I've tried Keens and Ariats and I can never get a perfect fit. Tons of people love them. Best thing to do is try on a ton of different boots and see which ones feel the best. I'm a huge fan of Georgia wide boots and wear them 10+ hour days in minor wet conditions and a lot of walking. My feet never hurt. I have both the Georgia 10" wellington steel toe and the 8" Georgia Rumbler composite and I love them both.

Nothing, when it gets too hot I find nothing is pleasant to wear

Versace Pour Home, Versace Eros, Mont Blanc Legend....my most basic ones get the most compliments by an ENORMOUS amount

Only people who care about your watch are watch nerds that are into the hobby trust me

Changed my life? Absolutely none. I've spent multiple thousands on supplements and have tried everything under the sun.

The only one I would recommend being worth it is Vitamin D

Just as I expected, a thread with literally the worst dog shit self help books known to man.

Sorry but I used to be addicted to reading these type of books, you learn after years of reading and trying they just make money for the authors. There is a special place in hell for self help "authors" who prey on vulnerable people.

It really boils down to:

1.Be born rich and gain contacts, advice, schooling, safety nets, ect ect ect from your rich family.

  1. Get extremely lucky

  2. Work extremely hard and get extremely lucky and don't give up

I can't understand why any man would sit to pee. You literally have a piece designed with maximum efficiency to get in and out with direct aim

Lots of fabric softener. This is random but I've traveled in Mexico a handful times, and every time I got back my laundry after paying to have it done it smells amazing. So I had to ask what they use, and apparently this is a Mexican tradition because they all use it:
