I don’t live in Canada so idk if the same situation applies but as an American, it’s not really that walking is a taboo and more just that not everywhere has the appropriate infrastructure. A lot of towns lack good sidewalks and have nonsensical layouts where you basically have to use a GPS and a wrong turn can set you back significantly. Idk where you live, but I think older settlements have an advantage in urban planning because they existed so long before cars that they kind of had to plan better. Also just in a big country everything is always far away, especially if you live in a rural area.

That being said the point of the post isn’t about how disliked awful walking is, it’s about how supposedly kind Canadian people are that everyone is offering rides.

I mostly just want consistency. A new mob is an animal? Have it drop some kind of meat so it’s worth hunting, and maybe leather if it’s appropriate. Make it look good and put it in a biome where it makes sense. That is really all I ask for. Doesn’t need some crazy sub system of its own that introduces a new half baked mechanic to be forgotten about immediately, just integrate it with existing mechanics.

To add some positive discourse I want to actually commend them for what Bannerlord does well. The combat feels really good with the new physics and animation systems, I’ve never played a game that feels more real when slapping a mace into someone’s face outside of VR. And besides the crunchy combat, the visuals have really grown on me since release and I think a lot of the quests and activities are quite fun. I think the game has a lot of high quality content, but the quantity is lacking and it’s killing the game.

Honestly this actually makes a lot of things make sense in terms of the direction of the show early on. I can see how the “Batman with a bow” direction would be a lot more appealing than doing an authentic Green Arrow story, it’s surely a much safer bet and a formula that’s been proven to work before.

At the time? Most of them. It was kind of their obligation, the feudal system only works if everyone is doing their part and the job of the noble is to provide protection for those who serve them. Whether that just means having soldiers you can send out when stuff goes down or actively going into battle yourself kind of depended on how much you cared about your reputation.

One thing to remember is that the field was a lot safer for noblemen than freemen or levies because ransoming was a huge deal. You didn’t want to kill the enemy leader, or even harm them if it can be helped so you can squeeze money or favors out of the family or kingdom for their release. Not only was this just pragmatic, but it also made it possible for these really important people to comfortably lead their troops. Killing another noble was kind of seen as barbaric.

Someone else suggested this but didn’t provide the background. I’ll have to look into it because it sounds really cool!

Republic of Dave

I was going to say they clearly added their own extra characters but now I realize they are all slightly modified clones of one another.

What is an ancient Roman(mythological) artifact you’d expect to find in the vault of a well secured Roman fortress?

Help me with my D&D game. I like to draw from real world historical and mythical sources, and right now what I’m theory crafting in my head is that the players are part of a “Scandinavian” clan and will get sent on a Viking expedition to pilfer some kind of artifact that has been hidden away in a fort. The idea is that the place the players are going is basically Britannia, and my version of “Rome” are kind of just barely clinging to power there as these invasions begin to happen. Sorry for all of the context, now we get to my question: what is the artifact that is being protected? It should have religious significance(note the “Romans” in this setting aren’t Christian yet, time is a weird soup) and be powerful. An interesting idea that I have is that it might even be dangerous, and might be locked away for the good of the people as opposed to being something valuable.

This can be an actual mythological thing or something you came up with, I’m just looking for good ideas and thought I’d ask the experts.

:butcher: Butcher

I’ve always been bothered by people calling it a cowboy game, or hunters being called cowboys. There aren’t a lot of cattle in Louisiana, especially now considering all the monsters and stuff. The word people are probably looking for is gunfighter or shootist, and even that is too shallow a descriptor given the amount of different background hunters come from.

You still need those other mods. CE is just combat mechanics/equipment.

:butcher: Butcher

I think it’s rough in this game for the more expensive guns because it’s hard to use them often enough to get good enough that they feel worth their expense. Like I love a mosin or dolch on paper, but I know the moment I buy one I’m going to die in a dumb situation that I might have avoided had I taken something familiar. A lot of guns are things I’d only ever loot, which means when I do have them I don’t really know how to use them effectively.

:butcher: Butcher

Shoots confetti for me. Shoots death objectified for any other player.

Neat, I don't really know if it's complete enough for my tastes but I'll check it out.

I had a colony where on like day 3 my cook died and everyone else had cooking 0 or 1 and no passion. They all also had social 0 or were incapable of it. I managed to keep it running for a few months somehow as I desperately tried to recruit any raider with cooking or social. Things ultimately ended when one of my colonists had a mental break and released all of the prisoners, and a pigskin I was hoping would become our new crafter got satchel charges(Combat Extended) from the armory and blew herself and the colonist that released her up, injured literally everyone else and made a massive hole in the wall of the sheriff’s office so our like 4 other prisoners just wandered away while everyone else was bleeding to death trying to get to a bed.

Not sure, it seems like most teams working on things do it in radio silence. I’ll think a project is dead only for them to post something for the first time in 2 years and reveal they’ve been working on it the whole time. This game is a different beast than Warband though, it takes a lot more work. Also a lot of people feel sabotaged because of Taleworlds tendency to do nothing for months and then all of a sudden drop a patch that adds no content and fixes and bunch of obscure issues 0.1% of players were having, forcing mod creators to adapt to a version that maybe should not exist.

There are a couple but none are finished. Eagle Rising is probably the closest but I don’t know if I really consider it a total conversion in the spirit of Warband because it’s mostly an equipment/troop tree overhaul. Like yes it changes the factions into historical ones but it’s pretty clear that most are just a Bannerlord faction with a new coat of paint and don’t really stand out from the base game stuff. It’s kind of a more historically accurate reimagining of Bannerlord’s world, rather than a faithful conversion of it into something else.

I was hoping something happened with Gekokujo. Happen to know where I can find that? If not I can just look it up when I get back on my PC.

Best, most “complete” Warband mods(preferably been updated somewhat recently, at least since like 2018).Warband

I’m getting back into the game hard and I was big into mods back when the repository was a thing. I want to gist on what is new, what ancient mods got finished, if any classics got a new coat of paint etc. and figured it’d just be easier to ask. Preferably mods that are relatively feature complete.

:butcher: Butcher

I honestly value someone at really high MMR’s opinion less, they are basically playing a different game.

Posts like these make me feel good about my social skills. I might not be great at it, but fucking hell at least I’m not this oblivious and awful to be around.

:butcher: Butcher

All melee weapons are one slot now. Which is reasonable in some cases, absurd in others. I think it’s a good change but shouldn’t have been consistent across the whole game.

I mean by Bannerlord lore it makes sense. The whole timeline is more condensed. The legions made the empire, and them becoming obsolete is part of why the empire is in decline. I like that they still exist and are still good troops, it’s just implied that there are a lot less of them.

I’d say the empire has more in common with Byzantium/late Imperial Rome than any other period. A army that has adopted a lot of new ideas from the surrounding “barbarians” in an attempt to remain relevant, with an ultimate focus on heavy cavalry(cataphracts).

:butcher: Butcher

I don’t know what you mean, spears are literally the best weapon to exist before firearms(excluding like bows and other dedicated ranged weapons). It has been the first choice of melee fighting forces for pretty much the entirety of human history up until the past 3 centuries, and even after that the best thing(rifle w/ bayonet) is basically a spear with extra steps. I actually wish the spear got more recognition in video games for how absolutely vital they have been to almost every civilization on earth.